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Al Amir kiwi strawberry

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 The first flavor I smoke was kiwi strawberry.

flavor : 8.5   it tastes very good and reminded me of
capri sun kiwi drink. I didnt taste the strawberry too well ( but it
might bethat I have a cold and cant taste oo well ) but I tasted
something sweet and Im assuing its the kiwi( I dont really know what
kiwis taste liek) but this flavor was good imo.

smoke: 7 it was average, not super thick but not thin. Good smoke.

buzz: 5 I didnt get buzzed really, unstuffed my nose though whichw as good :)

overall : 7.5  very good flavor, and event hoguh Im sick I caould
still judge it ok. Ill review the rest when Im feeling 98% better.
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I would like to add my input here as well:

flavor, 8 i found it weaker than the watermelon, i also found the
strawberry to be the dominant flavor, it definitely wasnt alone but i
didnt really pick out a specific kiwi flavor, all in all a very good

smoke, 7 as eg said, average, not nearly as thick as the watermelon smoke

buzz, 4 i think i got a little buzz but i might be cuzz its 6 AM and i havent slept yet

overall, 7.25 these al amirs would kik ass if only the flavor was stronger
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