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Sahara Smoke

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Sahara Smoke is a sister company of Hookah Hookah, I believe. Hookah Hookah, despites some questionable advertising on the forum, is not kown for ripping off customers, so I doubt Sahara smoke will, although I have no actual experiance with either.
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[quote name='mushrat']Not merely a sister company, really the same company. Same customer support and ordering number, same address...same pricks playing hookahgirl et al.[/quote]

I don't understand this hookahgirl thing. Are they a bad company to buy stuff from? Sorry I'm new to this so I don't know much. :oops:
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its not that hookahhookah is a bad company to order from, its that they like to think were stupid and send there people to advertise for them under random names, and they try things like just saying "oh i love hookahhookah shots" and stupid crap like that.

Unlike most retailers that come on and post about there site, then become part of the community, hh is just trying to get free advertising. Its kinda funny since they also post at another hookah forum site, where they just so happen to have a discount for hh... very intresting huh :P
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[quote name='djbomberto']I LOVE HOOKAHHOOKAH OMG IF YOU BUY THERE PRODUCT, MAGIC FAIRY'S WILL SEE YOU!..........................^_^[/quote]

but if you buy tangiers the caffinated fairy has produced your product that is if its F-Line lol, yeah hookah hookah is dumb but their products arn't bad, not the best shisha but ay they have some alright stuff. you can buy the same hookah from different retailers though so id look around
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Suicide: search the forums, you'll find over all, with the exception of a few flavours, their stuff is overpriced and not that good. What many people here object to is the company on a moral standpoint. You don't come into a forum with clearly posted rules and break them trying to drum up business, outright lie to its members, and generally run amok. It does not speak well of the INTEGRITY of your business. Why would be give poeple who clearly don't respect us or the forum our money when there are plenty of other companies that play by the rules out there?
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I have...........

puttin the latest stuff aside..... I would not repeat my order with them. Not that they did me wrong..... I just found better better deals out there after I unwrapped my $150 Andalucia to find that the hoses were complete garbage.

I thought it was a really cheap saddle to throw on an otherwise super horse. I thought that the "Free Goodies" stuff were really low grade....

great stem.......... great vase...... everything else hit the trash within 3 weeks.

No wait.. the down stem was too short..... and I had to resolder a connection on the downstem about 3 months later.

Last they saw of me.
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