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Bowl questions

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I've got a stock mod bowl on my hookah right now (mitsuba hookah and bowl), but it seems there's alot of importance placed on the bowl, and it doesnt seem that many people around here use mod bowls.

So I guess what I'm wondering here is how does the quality and design of the bowl affect your smoke? Have you ever used a mod bowl? How do you rate them? Which bowls do you prefer?

edit: I guess I should also add - Recommend me a good bowl! I ask that you refrain from recommending the phunnel bowl though. It seems like one hell of a product but I figure I should master a more traditional bowl before I mess around with Tangier's wild dimension bending bowl (I fear that I'd screw something up and open a black hole in my living room :lol: )
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[quote name='DizzyGuy']What exactly does your bowl look like?  Like mod as in the windcover attachment already on the bowl?[/quote]

Nope. Sort of a small picture, but its this one here [url="http://www.china-shisha.com/ProductsFile/200411121658460.jpg"]http://www.china-shisha.com/ProductsFile/2...11121658460.jpg[/url]
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Ahhh... I got one of those with my Stargate... it's ok, but I haven't tried experimenting with it too much.. I'm currently using the MYA bowl because it doesn't hold much and I can get it to smoke good :D
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if by "egyptian" you're implying the connection, then yes. If by glazed, you're just referring to it being glazed, then also yes.

I dont know though, it seems like a very odd design. Because its relatively wide and shallow which to me would almost seem like it would give you too much heat across less-insulated shisha. And then it also really tapers out (like a bubble) just below the 5 holes in the top which seems odd to me because I'd think that it'd be more advantageous to be more direct.
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yea i have one of these that came with my chinese mini. i cant get it 2 smoke right at all. 2 coals smoke is too thin, 3 coals and its too much. i use canary's im gonna try 2 and half later 2nite.
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I have used one of those bowls before, and I can say that I didn't really like it all that much. The bowl was too deep. I like shallow bowls better. When the bowl is really deep it seems that the tobacco never cooks at the bottom. I useally use a Mya bowl or tangiers funnel.. and would suggest both.
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From an engineering perspective, I think a bowl's design is everything. The problem is that too many of the guys making the molds for these mass produced pressed ones, they don't know what's important and what needs to be where.

Yes, I may be biased. I don't think so, however.
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I have this bowl as well (waiting to get a white funnel bowl), and have the problem with the tobacco not cooking at the bottom. I generally pack the bowl about 4/5 of the way and use two quicklights. The smoke lasts, but pulling out the shisha and seeing small spots of unspent tobacco at the bottom bothers me.
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Trust me, its dead. Gravity and suction pull the juices downward, so the top dries up while the remaining juice lingers at the bottom. That juice is nothing like it was when it started. Do you eat cheese because its not moldy at the bottom?
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I have the hookah AND that bowl. I seldom have troubles with it, EXCEPT when I fully pack the bowl. Then its exactly like you all said, I have a small cake of dried up shisha at the bottom. Maybe I'll look into one of these Mya bowls.
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