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My thoughts after visiting a friend who vapes:


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So, yesterday night I went over to a friends house to just chill for a bit, I had my pipe with me so eventually there was hookah, but when I got there he had a vape out for me and one for him, so we just kinda went with that for like 30 mins or so and I gotta say, shit ain't half bad. Hasn't convinced me into buying one cause it'd have to be a decent setup and I can't afford to sustain both hobbies, but it is much quicker and requires no setup or cleanup, which I think is the main appeal to me.


So yeah, I dipped a toe in the vaping world and if I end up with a bunch of money sometime this year I might delve deeper.

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Awesome! That's the main reason why I vape right now instead of hookah- I just don't have the time required for hookah. With my almost 3 months old son, having a 3-bedroom house to take care of now compared to the one-bedroom apartment we had when I smoked all the time, and being close to friends/family now compared to being 3 hours away from them (so we're constantly doing shit), vaping has become much more convenient. Not much setup required at all, besides rebuilding coils every once in a while (I try to stretch my builds out for as long as possible), and rewicking every couple or few days. Throw my batteries on the charger every night. About it. I almost never vape at home, as I'm too busy from the minute I get home to when I go to bed. Instead I vape in the car and at work (perk of having a desk job).

Now, I do plan on getting another hookah someday, when my son is older and I have some time free up hopefully... as I do miss it at times.

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I mean, I still intend to keep my hookah game strong lol, I smoke pretty much daily and don't intend to stop. I'm just saying that I see the appeal of vaping in some situations where hookah is not quite so practical!

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There are vape bars springing up all over my city. I go in just to try new stuff. They have card games and sports on their TV every now and then. Cool place to chill and hang out. Hookah bars are becoming scarcer and scarcer with new tobacco regs always around the corner. Plus who wants to pay 20 bucks for a well packed bowl of Al Fakher when you can get your own hookah and all the shisha you need for the same price as about 3 sessions at a bar? No brainer.

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