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How I became the most stupid.......

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:x :x :x Well, no one do what I just did tonight. I had some mango shisha in the freezer to keep it fresh( that in it self could be stupid, but not as stupid as what i did next :x ). A friend came over and said " fire it up ", so I got the frozen mango shisha and packed a frozen chunky bowl, It had no flavor what so ever :x . Shit man, you don't put a fucken frozen turkey in the oven do you? You let that bitch thaw, 2 bad that did not come to my mind at the time. We set 2 coals on it and started to smoke, no flavor, for It was frozen, but the coals did not thaw it, it burnt it before it was able to release the flavor. I tell you, thanksgiving is coming up, thaw your turkey before baking, and thaw you shisha before smoking :x And no I have never baked a frozen turky before, thats for the smart ass who will say" I bet he baked a frozen turky". My turkeys come out sweet. :P :P :P
And no one say "keep it in the refrigerator" becuse I know this man. :x
And no one say "keep it at room temp in a ziplock" Becuse I also know this. But knowing and doing are 2 differnt things :x :x :x :x :x , 5 mad faces!!!!
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:P yeah ill do that, but first let me try to thaw it in the microwave, or stick it in the toaster, hell, i should boil the sum of a bitch :P , then you will get another post " why I am so stupid" :lol: But thanks Jonny D, I was wondering if the first post was gonna be positive or negative lol. 8)
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I used to refrigerate my shisha, now I don't. But I never noticed a huge differance between the two. This may be because now I know what it is supposed to taste like, so if I went back to refrigeration it woudn't be as good, but I don't think that for average tobacco (AKA: Not Tangiers) it would make huge differance.
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geez someone likes smilies XD and yea that just sounds like a good idea XD why do you keep it in the freezer in the first place? I keep mine in my room in zip lock baggies, and they staff fresh as can be for as long as i have em. And i only smoke a good 3-5 times a week!!
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8) why did i keep it in the freezer? lol, becuse i became the most stupid, what can i say? nothing, but i will say, watch [ ADULTSWIM ] on sundays, comedy night, very funny if you like that kind of thing. :D :D :D
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Everyone makes mistakes.

I used to keep my shisha in my fridge, then I needed the space for something else (beer), so my shisha got moved to a box under my bed next to my hookah case (small dorm room). As far as a difference in the way it smokes? Probably a small one, though I don't notice it.
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Don't think so.... I guess it again depends on where you live and ambient temperatures and moisture and stuff?

I've allways found my shisha to be just fine, but i keep it well wrapped (At least two ziplock or equivilent) and behind
the egg thing at the top of the fridge door (Which is the warmest place in a fridge(My fridge at least(according to the manua!)))

I would suspect that outside and ambient temperature flucuation could affect it?

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ever heard of freezer burn XD just keep it out in the open. Also humidity is diffrent in the fridge than the air where your gonna be smoking. So unless you got plans to hope in the freezer for a smoke... which would be intresting in and of itself XD... then just leave it out, its what most do and it works best :D
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