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Mya qt worth getting or no?

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As of right now I have a no name egyptian i baught off of ebay.. its alright but im looking for somthing better and within the 50$ price range and mya qt seems like the perfect choice so is it worth getting?
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I bought my QT a few weeks ago, and I now smoke out of it almost exclusively. Easy to clean, easy to set up, smokes like a champ, etc.

The only flaw is that it can be difficult to purge the smoke due to the placement of the valve. This flaw is fixed easily by blowing out, quick suck, blowing out, quick suck. By quick suck, I mean pulling for like, a second at most.

Id give it a 9/10
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the only problem i have with the QT is that during long smoke sessions, the hookah as a whole gets a bit too hot and can make the smoke harsh (on;ly when you are smoking for a long time out of a huge bowl...say the tangeirs funnel)
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Awsome :) thanks to all that replyed

Now i just have 2 questions .. what is "purging" because on my egyptian i dont have that little valve thing
and second what would be the best site to buy the qt? or should i just stick to the myasaray site?
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purging is the act of blowing the stale smoke out.

I suggest hookah-shisha.com. If you go to hookahwiki.com and click the banner, you can use the forum code for a discount (hookahforum.com) and the wiki code for free mouth tips (wikitipi).

They call it the "crown" under their mini hookahs.
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mnhookah.com really great prices. there website is being updated so bare with them but if you call them they will give you a great price on it and they are really good in customer service
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