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smiley bowl

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yea kinda like a chat right now, lets try keepin the 1 liners down, goes for me too XD

and as for smilies bowls, ive used one once that a friend had. There alright, i dont find it good enough to swtich over. ive also fallen for the tangiers funnel bowl, so unless eric and smiley team up, i dont find myself using one anytime soon :D
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evans is right though. that said ive seen alot of press on the forum about how good the smiley bowl would probably be, but never anyone other than smiley himself saying whether it actually is any better. One would assume that the glass would prevent flavor from being imparted by the bowl, but im not sure whether this is even much of a factor when smoking hookah. i dont know. it just seems more like an implement for smoking a different sort of plant than tobacco.
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use the smiley bowl (that somes with a glass screen) then buy one of these


and no more lung cancer or at least cancer rumor going around hehehe
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The tobacco causes the cancer and lung disease. The coals provide the CO. I don't think the foil or screen does anything to your health, unless you are holding a torch over your hookah bowl. I am sticking with my good old fashioned natural coals.
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I have never used one, but word on the board has been that they do not work. Coals heat up when you inhale and cool slightly when you don't. This natural heat regulation prevents burning. I have yet to hear a positive thing about those heaters, but this is all second hand information.
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yea using an electric source to heat hookah tobacco isnt going to do anything but maybe make the smoke session be a kinda crappy one. The stuff in the tobacco itself is what causes the cancer connected with smoking tobacco, thats why its connect with smoking tobacco XD you dont want any cancer? Dont smoke XD And the coals dont hurt ya as long as you arent using bbq charcoals, which arent meant to be smoked with XD and the foil nor the screens will harm you.
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[quote name='EvansLight']yea using an electric source to heat hookah tobacco isnt going to do anything but maybe make the smoke session be a kinda crappy one. The stuff in the tobacco itself is what causes the cancer connected with smoking tobacco, thats why its connect with smoking tobacco XD you dont want any cancer? Dont smoke XD And the coals dont hurt ya as long as you arent using bbq charcoals, which arent meant to be smoked with XD and the foil nor the screens will harm you.[/quote]

dont get me wrong, Im not one who will shout cancer, I have been a smoker for 5 years, quit smoking 1 year ago (not because of cancer) and enjoy hookah now.

it is just related because I just read something about smileys glass bowl and he said something on aluminum foil or metal screen smoking bringing you headaches because of metal poisoning.
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I'm one to try new things. I'm sure that once I figure the smile bowl out that it'll not only work well, but it'll look nice with my MYA bohemian. Also the thought of being able to see the tobacco "burn" while I smoke sounds super cool to me. I'll be able to tell when I need to rotate the coal.
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