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Al Amir undertones

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Out of the three flavors I've tried of Al Amir (Mint, Caramel Apple, Banana Split) they all seem to have the same strong undertone. I can't exactly explain what it tastes or smells like, but it's very imposing -- when I smell and taste the shisha, AT LEAST 40-50% of what I perceive is the Al Amir undertone, and the rest is whatever flavor it's supposed to be. Caramel Apple and Banana Split are hardly identifiable -- they reek of that 'Al Amir' smell.

Unfortunately, this undertone has left me very disappointed with Al Amir. At first I thought it might just be the batch, but I've tried three flavors ordered at different times from different places. I never heard anyone mention this about Al Amir though -- doesn't anyone else take the same issue with it?
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Dude! We never see ya around here much anymore. I smoke quite a bit of Al Amir, and have never noticed what you are describing. I had some caramel apple the other night, and some double apple last night. Maybe the next time I smoke I'll try and pay close attention to any funk that might be hiding beneath the flavor the tobacco is labeled to be. Can you maybe try and describe the taste a little better? At least then I may know what to look for.
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strangely enough, I do understand what you mean. While i don't like the caramewl apple, I do like most of the flavours of AA i have smoked. It's just a standard part of their flavour. I think you can say most brands have soemthing "distinct" about them if you pay close attention. Thats why we like some melons and not others depending on the brand.

I happen to like the AAness :? :?
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While I do know what you mean to some extent (Tangiers has a very characteristic undertone flavor), are you sure it is not the coals you are using?
ie: three kings have a VERY specific undertone that is added to your smoke. Japaneese coals and naturals do as well, just not as strong.

Try a different coal with the same ma'assel and see if that undertone changes.
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I'm here everyday, I'm just pretty reserved when it comes to posting. Plus I've been much busier since school started....

Yeah, I know that most brands have their distinctive undertones, but what bothers me about Al Amir is that that undertone seems to constitute 40-50% of the overall taste of the shisha, whereas with other brands it's maybe 10-15%. I actually don't pick up much of an undertone with Tangiers, which is one reason I love it so much -- the flavors are so clear.

I doubt it has much to do with the coals (Three Kings... not wasting my canaries on AA) -- I've used them for all brands of shisha and I know what undertones are caused by Three Kings. Besides, the undertone is just as evident in the smell of the shisha as in the taste. It's not a particularly repulsive smell/taste, it's just annoying because it covers the actual flavor of the shisha. I don't know... I don't think this stuff is for me.
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my only complaint for al amir is that when i first got it i bought 3 flavors and each had a clear nice flavor the first 2 -3 smokes ... i got blackberry, carmel apple, and lemon.
the lemon i didnt like at all
blackberry was amazing and carmel apple was alright ....
i smoke like every other night
after the first three smokes or so i noticed that the flavors dont last as long as they used to .... 15 mins of good flavor and the rest just nice smoke no flavor

before you scrutinize:

-yes i acclimated my aa
-yes i tried using different coals
-yes i cleaned out my qt completely

i guess its just aa cause when i pack a bowl of havana grape i get a great flavour throughout
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[quote name='cityboyyy']my only complaint for al amir is that when i first got it i bought 3 flavors and each had a clear nice flavor the first 2 -3 smokes ... i got blackberry, carmel apple, and lemon.  
the lemon i didnt like at all  
blackberry was amazing and carmel apple was alright ....  
i smoke like every other night  
after the first three smokes or so i noticed that the flavors dont last as long as they used to .... 15 mins of good flavor and the rest just nice smoke no flavor  

before you scrutinize:

-yes i acclimated my aa
-yes i tried using different coals  
-yes i cleaned out my qt completely  

i guess its just aa cause when i pack a bowl of havana grape i get a great flavour throughout[/quote]

Al Amir has always lost quite a bit of flavor after 15-30 minutes of smoking. Lots of smoke still, but the flavor vanishes. I've never had another brand do that to me.
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I have never had a problem w/ Al Amir loosing flavor after 15-30 minutes... must be my super awesome lazy technique. Although, I have noticed a distinct undertone, just like with every other brand I have smoked. It's kinda like pop... Barq's root beer tastes much different then A&W root beer (best root beer ever btw). They are both root beer, they just each have thier own 'undertone.' It's just a personal preference as to which one you like. Me, I prefer the Al Amir 'undertone' just like I prefer the A&W 'undertone.'
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as for flavour loss i dont have that problem. ive smoked my AA Blackberry for a good 1 1/2 hours before with full flavour. I mix it with some romman rasberry to give me a buzz, just a bit though, and ill smoke for a while :D
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Each brand of tobacco has a characteristic foundation flavor that the individual flavorings are built around. It should be a relatively captive flavor, under the other flavors.

A good example is the smell of houses...you ever notice that many people's houses have a specific smell, which may smell similar to other houses. Your house, doesn't have a smell...you are used to it, really. Other people notice your house having a very specific smell. When you smoke a brand for the first time, that brand becomes your home and you don't notice the foundation flavor. As you you smoke other brands, you may notice different foundation flavors, too. They may all seem off, but in reality, they're just different.
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lol mr puffy pants has a good point XD i love going over to someones house for a few days then coming home, my house always smells intresting XD

and i just smoked some AA blackberry again last night, and other than the intresting taste from the banna split left over in the water :P it just tasted like blackberry :D
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