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Expanding the Forum


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Well...now that things are all spiffy and don't seem to have problems (thank you for adjusting the site!!), how would you feel about having sections for more than just hookah? I'm aware it's called HOOKAHforum.com for a reason, but I got to thinking that without my hookah, I pretty much dropped off the face of the earth with this forum. Moving out where it's not allowed impacted my visits etc simply because I couldn't relate very well because all of a sudden hookah, temporarily, was no longer an ongoing hobby.

Anyway I know some people here enjoy pipe smoking and clove smoking and cigarette smoking and possibly smokeless tobacco...how would everybody feel about expanding to have a section for "other tobacco" next to hookah?

There would be lots of things to discuss in these sections, such as how to pack a pipe, which brands are better, techniques, etc., as well as disspelling common myths such as "cloves crackle because of the fiberglass in them".

Any thoughts on this idea? Thanks... =)

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We will be doing alot to fix up the forums around here as soon as we get IPB, if you want to donate, feel free by clicking [url="http://www.hookahforum.com/a-new-day-at-the-hookah-forum-t5389.html"]here[/url].
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