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SOEX - Herbal Shisha Has anyone tried it?

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I was given a test pac of mixed fruit SOEX.

Opened it, liked the 4 free mouth pieces and the double zip lock bags.

Smell was a little "tart" smelling (more citrus than fruit)

Texture was like shreded sticks

Smoked a bowl, again more citrus than fruit, it produced a lot of smoke but not very satisfying.

I beleive this shisha is more popular in Europe than US or Middle East.

Has anyone else tried it? Impressions?

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Way nasty and a waste of money. :|
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Soex is a little... strange.

I actually like Soex Mint. It adds a real nice undertone to the M'oussal. However I have some
very bad experiences with other flavours.

In the UK online stores tend to give it away as a 'freebie' the only regular use of which is
to sprinkle it on top of the regular m'oussal to act as a barrier between the tobacco & foil/screen.

It is smokeable. But kinda pointless if you ask me.

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