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Trip to Mya Saray Store...pictures of my wooden stem hookah!

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So i took a trip up to Sterling this weekend and visited the Mya Saray store and got a hookah and he threw in two free 50g boxes of Al Ajamay, grape and two apple...haven't smoked these yet, but will review when I do. But now for pics of the hookah. I took a trip to the woodcraft store and the guy there turned me a new stem piece for free, since he was already doing pen turning demos. Heres what it looks like now.


Yeah, thanks for the idea Scalliwag...I am planning on getting a lathe soon and turning these things out for custom jobs, I'll keep you all posted about that.

edit: changed title
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Looks great!!!!!

What kind of wood did you use?

Did you by any chance show the people at MYA this customization?

I have found that they are very receptive to any suggestion on changes that will enhance their hookahs.

A one off like this is time consuming and probably expensive. If MYA had these made in China in bulk, I bet the cost would be minimal.

If you do make some more of these by yourself on a lathe, please post pics of your set up.

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well the lathe will wait, i need to take out a loan, and i will be starting a site that has a selection of woods for MYA stems (maybe i will sell the stems too) in a different variety of woods and patterns....kinda like those face plates for your cell phone, but for a hookah, different woods for different settings!

but do not get too excited, this will be a while before i get this off the ground

and i used marble wood, the cheapest i could find since i was not too sure how it would work out.

and i told the guy at MYA what i was going to do and he seemed happy that there are people taking creative liberties with their hookahs
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