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I'm in Danville, which is near Pleasanton, which is off highway 580, which leads to Stockton/Manteca.
I don't know any stores out that direction, but I know a couple crappy ones, and a few good ones, closer to san francisco.
If you have a few days to explore, I highly suggest you go to Telegraph Avenue in Berkeley (its a fun place to go), and it happens to have about a half dozen head and hookah shops.
The 3 shops I know in my area are not worth going too, unless you want to check out some Taqseem (sp?) hookahs, they have a bunch in the store.
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I went to school at UOP in Stockton, and I'm going to be honest, you're shit out of luck... There is one lounge in Stockton called 'Amerian Cafe', which is more geared towards high school kids. They have a pitch black atmosphere with black lights, loud techno music, and annoying kids running around. They open at 8pm - 2am. Only half way decent thing is the price, $10 bucks per head, which is pretty standard. I'm pretty sure you could buy tobacco/coals, but I have no clue on the price.

Then there is a place right near the campus called 'Petra Deli', which is just a hole in the wall small deli that happens to sell a few overpriced hookahs, and a crappy, yet extreamly expensive collection of naklah for $10bucks, and crappy non-name brand coals for $10 per bag. The ONLY time I went there was when I ran out of coals, and didn't want to drive an hour home to go to my favorite place.

I would highly suggest against these two places, but if you really want to try them out, you can PM me and I'll tell you exactly how to get to them.

[b]What I do recomend!![/b]
If at all possible, make an extra hour drive up North to Sacramento where I live. There is a GREAT place to get all your supplies from, and Ionids can probably vouch. It's called the Medeteranian Market, and its a medium size middle eastern grocery store, where you can get all sorts of Mya hookahs (qt included), egyptian hookahs, syrian, and they have a very nice selection of tobacco ranging from modest - premium.

Naklah for ~5-6 (depending on naklah's premium blends)
Al Amir for ~9-10
Havana for ~12-13
And even some other lesser brands that I've never bothred to try. They also have a very nice selection of coals, natural or quicklight. They have 3Kings for ~10-12, Nour fingers for ~4-5 and other non-name brands.

You can get hoses and all sorts of accesories as well, so I highly recomend you make the extra hour trek.

Like I said, if you are interested in any of these places, PM me so I can get into more detail. I'm at work all day today, but I'll be home at around 7:30 to give you more info.
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hey yash does that market by your home have a brand named moassel or mazaaj? it is one of the hardest 2 find and better brands i have tried. an international market over in san jose used to carry it, and it was one of the most premium smokes i ever had for 9 bucks!
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[quote name='Yashman19'][b]What I do recomend!![/b]
If at all possible, make an extra hour drive up North to Sacramento where I live. There is a GREAT place to get all your supplies from, and Ionids can probably vouch. It's called the Medeteranian Market, and its a medium size middle eastern grocery store, where you can get all sorts of Mya hookahs (qt included), egyptian hookahs, syrian, and they have a very nice selection of tobacco ranging from modest - premium.

Naklah for ~5-6 (depending on naklah's premium blends)
Al Amir for ~9-10
Havana for ~12-13
And even some other lesser brands that I've never bothred to try. They also have a very nice selection of coals, natural or quicklight. They have 3Kings for ~10-12, Nour fingers for ~4-5 and other non-name brands.

You can get hoses and all sorts of accesories as well, so I highly recomend you make the extra hour trek.[/quote]

Yash is right, that market kicks butt. Unless I need something really out of the ordinary from the internets, I am going to be picking up my supplies there from now on. Then again, it's only like 20 minutes from my house. Hey Yash, if you read this, can you tell me some more about those Egyptian hookahs they sell at the shop, with the gold/brass colored stems? I think you told me you picked one up and it smoked like a mofo. If I remember right, they were really inexpensive (around $40?). How's yours holding up? For that cheap, I just can't say no :roll:. PM or post here if you like.
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Ah, Ol' Goldie... She's such a great smoke..

There are a few different designs for this hookah, and a few different sizes. When I say designs, I mean sometimes they are solid brass color, while others are brass/silver, and have slightly different designs on the stem, but all of them are virtually the same thing. I got mine there about 1.5 years ago, and its been holding up great. I got the largest one they had though, and it was ~$60, but they sometimes have different ones that are a little smaller which are cheaper, but it's bar far my most used hookah.

My Stargate is amazing, but I like to take care of my hookahs and make sure they are fully clean after each session, and because my stargate takes much more time to get fully clean, I like to use th egyptian. Its simple, large and in charge ^_^.

To Pimpito: No I can't say I've seen that brand there. It's been over a month since I've been to the Med Market though, so the next time I go I'll take a look.

If anyone else has any more questions regarding these places, let me know. I'm at work like I said, but I'm able to get to my dads computer in the back every so often, so I'll help out as much as I can :)
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Hey Yash, I also being a resident of Sacramento am wondering around where this mediterranean market is. I just joined wonderful world of hookahs and was quite excited to find such a great market right in my backyard. I tried to google it but haven't been able to find the place your talking about. Anyway thanks for the help!
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[quote name='ioannisds']The address is 1547 Fulton Ave.  Really easy to get there.  Just past the intersection of Arden and Fulton.  Big giant letters that say Mediterranean Market.[/quote]

Ah thanks man. I've been there countless times, but I've never managed to write down the address while there ^_^
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[quote name='Skimo']Yeah I live in Texas and have never seen one, any way to find one locally?[/quote]

Look in the phone book under "Grocers" for something that says "Middle Eastern" or a M.E. sounding name. Call em up and ask if they carry hookah stuff. Or use Google Local, thats how I found my market. I have to drive about 20 minutes away for it but it is worth it. The guy is really nice and gives me a discount on some things. WAY better than going to the head-shop that is 5 minutes away and only carries Roland Coals and HookaHHookaH.
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[quote name='Rich']Wow that's great.  I live on the corner of howe and riviera so that a about one minute drive.  Thanks guys![/quote]

Are you aware of the great hookah lounge Cobblestone? It's pretty much the biggest/best in the entire Sac area. Just wondering because it's on University Ave, which is off howe ave I believe.

Let me know if this is news to you, and I can give you some more info.
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Yeah, it's news to me. Just moved to Sac about 2 months ago and am still getting acquainted with the area. Please give me all the information you can. I'm sucking it up like a sponge.

Just got back from the Mediterranean Market with 250g of Starbuzz Caramel Macchiato. Great place. Not only did they have a huge selection of everything hookah, but the guy at the counter went out of his way to show me everything he had. He told me he had a QT himself when I pointed out the 5 he had on the shelf. He said it hits like nothing else he has.

Is 20 bucks a good deal for 250g of Starbuzz and anyone tried Caramel Macchiato yet?
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[quote name='Rich']Is 20 bucks a good deal for 250g of Starbuzz and anyone tried Caramel Macchiato yet?[/quote]

That is the ONLY deal on Starbuzz. $20 for 250g. At least you did not have to pay for shipping. Let us know how it is! It sounds really good.
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Wow, Starbuzz is a recently added brand for the Med Market, because they never had it my last time visiting. Do you remember starbuzz Ioan? $20 seems like a very good price to me, seeing as how socialsmoke.com is selling a 250gr tub for 19.99, and with the Med Market, you don't have to pay for shipping, and you get instant gratification ^_^

Do you remember what flavors they carried? Just so I know for the future :)

Also, lol at already going to the Med Market. I'd do the same thing though. It's like discovering gold for christ sake. Great shop with very reasonable prices. I would compare it to socialsmoke, if they had a storefront :)

Edit: Cobblestone is just on University Ave. If I was on 50 and exiting off on Howe, I would go right at the exit, and then take a left on University. You will pass a bunch of commercial buildings, and then out of knowhere there will be a parking lot with Cobblestone in there.

Avg prices, great atmosphere, good snacks/food/drinks. Can't beat it
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He had me smell about half the flavors of Starbuzz he had, being Caramel Macchiato, Guava (which was his favorite), Grape, Apple and he had at least 5 or 6 others. I wanted to try the Al-Waha After Nine but he didn't have it. Is there anywhere else in town that might?
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Funny you mention that now. I was in Berkley on Saturday where I had my first session which inspired my most recent hobby. I remember passing telegraph on my way there.

I'll be back for sure.
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