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Question about double hose/single hose...

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I'm about to buy a MYA acrylic, but it is a double hose version. I can't find the single hose version anywhere (the manufacturer charges a little more for the desired specification than retailers).

I am wondering if there is a way to convert the double hose version to the single hose version -maybe by using a small purge valve type piece. Is this possible? Is the piece readily available and if so from where?
(I'm doing this because I smoke alone and understand single hose variants offer a slightly better draw/pull) If I can get this 'piece' will it be as effective as a regular single hose hookah of the same spec?

Any thoughts? (thanks)
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Mya's site doesnt have the purge valve but it does have

This makes me think that the purge valve and your extra hose adapter should deffinitely have the same threading so I bet if you e-mail Mya and ask them about getting a purge valve they would sell you one. From my experience their customer service is excellent.
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Yeah the Chinese knockoffs are that way. One piece that screws on is a vent, the other piece that screws on is a hose port. Same threads, same hole. Two hose or one hose/one vent...doesn't matter. With your case, I have no idea. They may just be calling it two hose rather than explaining its function, just to sell more.
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All of the one hosed Acrylic Myas that I have two extra holes to make them into a two, three, or four hosed hookahs. They have a little nub like screw that comes with the hookah.. so, If I were you, I would try to call up Mya Saray, and I'm sure you could buy one from them.

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[quote name='Erica']All of the one hosed Acrylic Myas that I have two extra holes to make them into a two, three, or four hosed hookahs. They have a little nub like screw that comes with the hookah.. so, If I were you, I would try to call up Mya Saray, and I'm sure you could buy one from them.[/quote]

Yeah, what Erica said. I have a glass single-hose Mya I picked up at my local shop, and it has the same stem as in Erica's pics. There is the hose adapter, the purge valve, and two screw on plugs with o-rings in case I want to turn it into a multi-hoser. I am sure they would sell you one of those plugs.
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I know that the QTs at least can be converted from one-hose to two-hose, as a friend of mine also has one and we once used parts off of his on mine to make it a two-hoser temporarily. The acrylics look to use the same hardware as the QTs for the hose outlet and the purge valve.
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