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Gotta Love the Holidays

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Especially when it means I get to give the gift of hookah to someone else.My 18 year old brother keeps telling me how much he wants a hookah for down at college.. so I decided to order this one for him. Yeah, its the cheapest one they have, I'm not a millionare and that's more than I'd usually spend, but its a good one to get him started on for now.Not to mention I've got some new bowls and some Romann tobacco that will be under the tree for me.
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ANy hookah is a good hookah for a beginer.  Beginers dont care
about quality, flavor, smoke thickness, etc. They just want to try
hookah. Once they get into it, they will then be aware of the many
factors of a good smoke, flavor, smoke thickness, headchange, type of
hookah, type  of tobacco, etc.  I think thats a fine hookah
fo rhim, small  travel sized and will be easy for him to setup in
his dorm. Tell him to watch out for his roomies...peopel tend to steal
hookahs and use it to smoek weed with.
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Yeah, I dont know how many times people have asked me about putting pot in mine.
I don't smoke pot, so I don't want it in my hookah.  Not to
mention, I have mine in the car on occasion... once there is weed resin
in the hookah it becomes paraphanelia and I don't feel like getting
busted for that.
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methyl hydrate will completely remove tar buildup from smokin weed, as
well as clean anything in the hookah that wont come clean. cheap and
plentiful, check any hardware store.
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His hookah just showed up today.

Its alot smaller than I thought, and dare I call it... CUTE!?!?!

I almost want to keep the thing... seems like alot less involved set up
than my Syrian Chiller, would be great for when I'm smoking
alone.  I'd be awesome for in the house, it sits on my computer
desk quite nicely...  I can't smoke inside anyway though, so
perhaps when I move out I'll buy another one.  I'll post pics of
it later.
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