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review fantasia cotton candy

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fantasia cotton candy was Drowning in red syrup that smelled really good. Used a tangiers bowl with foil on a 31" single hose. Never seen this brand before and told it was made with honey not molasses I had to give it a try. Smoke was dense but disapeared really quick I found that really unusual it was smooth but had almost no flavor nothing bad but nothing good either just a hint of powder sugar and when I say hint I mean really,really little.I was almost searching for a flavor for the review. Smooth but no flavor so I wouldn't buy it again.After 45 minutes had to dump it. I felt like I was working without pay so I Threw in some fumari fruit punch and realized that fumaris high prices are definitly worth it. It's always best to pay a little more than to waste your money on something that sucks.
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