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Tobacco Bases

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What are the differant "base" ingredients for the differant tobaccos out there? I know waha and rommans are honey, and Tangiers said he thinks fumari might be corn syrup. Also, what differance does the base make? How much does it affect flavor? Is one better than the other?
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molasses, honey, corn syrup. and all have glycerine.

when you ask how it affects flavor, its not that simple. theyre all different and add to the uniqueness of a brand. in esssence none is better, just depends what you like. i like both. honey tends to be lighter i think and molasses heavier in flavor.
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i dont think so because there are bad brands that use honey and molasses as well. It may be you prefer the flavor of honey to molasses and so the subtle taste in the tobacco strikes you as more pleasing? could also be you just like the flavors aw and romman use. Tangiers is a black molasses tobacco (as in using black molasses) it has a very strong molasses flavor making it very distinct. im pretty sure that nakhla is a molasses tobacco as well, but it doesnt taste very strongly of molasses. im not sure, but it seems alot of modern tobaccos are beginning to be made with honey or corn syrup instead of molasses. so it goes.
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I second all this. Generally, honey, corn syrup or molasses is used. I have heard some companies are using glucose syrup...I couldn't say.

It all depends what you like. Honey adds a slight flavor with extra sweetness, corn syrup lightly sweetens (but often contains vanilla flavor, os that residual stays around). Corn syrup tends to be less sharp than honey, too. Molasses adds a silky. firm body to the tobacco but sweetens less than the other two.
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