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Maybe the best way to clean your hookah.

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Ok, so this is how I do it, and I also get rid of the stink in the base and stem.

Step 1: After smoking, rinse base, then fill base almost to the brim with warm almost hot water, Next add 2 heaping tablespoons of baking soda and stirr as you add them. If the baking soda go's to the bottom of your base, shake the base while covering the top with your hand, other hand holds bottom of the base. If the water in the base won't shake good, let some of the water in the base out. USE CAUTION WHEN SHAKING!!! Its not that hard, just hold on very tight so it don't slip and bust apart. The reason I say use bakeing soda becuse it's such a good deodorizer and cleaner. your base will smell like new when you are done, smell it before to tell the difference. :wink:

Step 2:It is very easy, let the bakeingsoda solution sit for at least 2 hours before draining. Now rinse the base a few times with warm-hot water, shakeing is also recommended for good rinse. Now smell inside the base to see the difference from before washing. Next dry outside of base with a paper towel or clean cloth so your base don't have spots! :wink:

Step 3: Now for the stem or shaft, whatever you like to call yours. If you have a long Hookah pipe cleaner, good job. If not, Unwind a wire clothes hanger and make it straight, then cut some rag strips and wrap around the hanger, Tie at the ends. It may take a few trys to get it right, but keep trying till you can get it, and it fits in the stem. :wink:

Step 4: Make a thick paste with bakeing soda and a little water, mix it good. Now pour a little in the stem and put some on you stem cleaner and start jerking off with the stem and stem cleaner from both sides of the stem. Now put the water pressure on the sink on low so you can get the water inside the stem at an angle and turn the stem as you rinse. If you can't do that, make a gehtto funnel and pour some hot water a few times to wash out the stem, or use a real funnel if you got one. :wink:

Try this cleaning method and you will see!!! :D

(Remember to use ARM @ HAMMER Baking Soda becuse thats my arm on the package holding the hammer. Shit, I kiss my biceps before going to bed like they was teddy bears.)
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8) wusss sup J-DAWG, Im thinking of jimmy jacking some fool so I can go to the Hookah party and show um up. No, I want to go!!!!
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Thats weird because I cleaned my hookah like that last night, it worked really well. I didn't have much time so I didn't let it soak in the base but it still cleaned really well. I was cleaning in on my bed and when I was done it looked like Tony Montana visted me lol
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I don't think they are washable so they would rust. If in fact they are washable make a Baking Soda water with hot water and pour it into your hose, plug both sides and swish it around then drain it and run hot water through it. After that let it hang up for a couple of days to dry
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[quote name='bradfordr']Beautiful! I did it last night, worked so well. Now how would I clean one of my cobra hoses??[/quote]

Cobra hoses aren't washable... hit the hose part again't a wall and blow everything out the hose, i believe this is the best you can do
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Lately I've been washing the hookah in the bath tub (not with me :wink:). I don't know why I never thought of it before, but it is so much easier to clean a long stem.

I used to always try and jam the stem at an angle between the faucet and the sink to fit it in there so that I could run water through the stem. Now I can hold it at a straight angle and really run a lot of water through it.
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[quote name='EliteHookah.com']Lately I've been washing the hookah in the bath tub (not with me  :wink:).  I don't know why I never thought of it before, but it is so much easier to clean a long stem.

I used to always try and jam the stem at an angle between the faucet and the sink to fit it in there so that I could run water through the stem.  Now I can hold it at a straight angle and really run a lot of water through it.[/quote]

I've been using a tub too... my first hookah was so long that I still had to jam that stem at an angle to clean it out
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[quote name='EvansLight']i just use lemon juice, no need to let it sit for 2 hours, and it smells like new XD[/quote]

:oops: Well you don't have to let it set for 2 hours, it's just that I forget to rinse it sometimes, I have even forgot it overnight before. Come on Evanslight, try it, come on dude, It would Indeed be a honor if you tryed it becuse you are a Keeper of the Chat. You got clout playa.
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[quote name='speel']Wow hookahmania you went all out Lol. Me personally I simply use really really hot water and rinse every thing out ( because I lost my cleaning brushes ) and it usually works best.[/quote]

You clean it with hot water, but I bet it still stinks. Check out step 3 for makeing a cleaning thing. :wink:

[quote name='Evanslight']i just use lemon juice, no need to let it sit for 2 hours, and it smells like new XD[/quote]

Im gonna try this lemon way, I have never tryed it, so I will. But! remember lots of lemons cost more( unless you use lemon juice from the bottle or the kind in the plastic lemons) than a big box of baking soda.

Anyway, im glad we can come together and give helpfull tip n' tricks to each other, I think it's good to try other thing just to up your level of hookah wisdom. Can I get a "well said good chum" in da crib. :D
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[quote name='Joseph']I should just sneak into the organic lab and find some chemical that will get my hookah REALLY clean.[/quote]

Baking soda Is organic :D

(Now don't go thinking Im selling ready rock*, just becuse I got a lot of baking soda in my crib.)

*If you are ever in New Mexico Ill hook ya up :wink: juss kidding
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