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Other Nakhla Zag(s)?

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On the Nakhla web-site it shows that they have:
Zaghloul, Kass, Bata and Khan-El-Khalili.
Thing is the web-site does not tell anything about these tobaccos.
I know what Zag is but have no Idea about the other ones.
Does anyone know anything about these tobaccos?
Do you know where they can be ordered from?
All the web-sites that carry Nakhla have Zaghloul but don't carry
the other 3 kinds.

Thanks, Adi
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Don't quote me on this, but I was under the impression that kass and the other flavors were all just zag, but a 'light' version of it. I've never smoked any of these though, so I really can't confirm this. But I always thought of it being like ciggs, but lights.
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I'd like to find and give those others a try....

I have smoked both Zag and Zag light.. I prefer the light myself. the full flavor is pretty strong stuff.

If I could find a vendor that had this stuff lying around...... even a sample sent to them by a Nakhla importer, I would like to purchase it and give it a go....

Sometimes I just want to smoke something that tastes like tobacco instead of fruits or spices..... and there doesnt seem to be much out there along that line ..... at least in the way us westerners smoke.
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