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Yet another Tangiers purchase!

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I just bought 3x250g packages of Tangiers in the following flavors:

Lemon Blossom
Cooling Strawberry
Red Tea

I think that these could all mix together rather nicely, and that's my main reasoning behind the flavor selection. After just about finishing up my 2 250 tubs of Tangiers Blueberry and Kashmir Peach, I think I'm sold on Tangiers. I have the heat management down perfectly with the phunnel bowl and japanese coals, and the flavor and buzz is so great, I say, "Why mess with a good thing?"

I also stocked up on the Japanese Golden Charcoals, as they're easy to light, and have no odor whatsoever.

I can't wait, the shipment should be here by the end of the week, or on Saturday.
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That's the hole pattern I use on the phunnel.
As far as coals go, I use 3 canary brand japanese coals, placed in a triangular fashion around the bowl. By triangular fashion, I mean if you were to draw a line in between each coal around the perimeter it would form a triangle. I hope that's clear, I'm a bit tired.
Anyhow, I just place the coals in that way, and leave them there until the smoke starts to fade a bit (usually after 40 minutes), and I ash them, and put them back on, and can enjoy that set for roughly 20 more minutes before I need new coals. I put three more on for each consecutive round, and the smoke never gets harsh, and doesn't lose flavor until well into the 3rd round, I've found.
Hope this helps.
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man congrats to you for enjoying this tobacoo.

im on my 4th bowl of kashmir peach, my first taste of tangiers, and cant get an enjoyable smoke out of it. Its extremely harsh, I can only hit extremely softly, like 1 bubble at a time of the argeela. Its spicy, stings my throat, and No smoke is comin out.

Ive tried a chinese giant bowl, with some clearance between the tobacco and foil. Tried twice already with my egyptian bowl. Makin sure to get the sides good. and two rings of toothpick holes like you did. and holes all over. either way im about to toss the peach out if i cant get it to work.
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May I ask what kind of coals you are using?

My friends borrowed some of my Tangiers one night, and did everything as I usually do, but used Nour finger coals. Apparently, the session was along the lines of what you're describing.

In light of this, I think the secret is in the japanese coals. Real japanese coals burn at a lower temperature than most other coals, so you run a much lower risk of overheating the bowl and burning the shisha. At least that's my take on things so far.

Your problem may be based around your coals, and it may be based around the amount of tobacco you're putting in. Don't hesitate to have the tangiers slightly over the brim of the bowl. Tangiers made a little bowl packing tutorial and the shisha is lightly mounded in the bowl so it is barely above the top of the bowl.

So yeah, it sounds like you're using too much heat, and too little tobacco. Try changing each. I hope you have some more enjoyable sessions in the future, Kashmir Peach is one of my favorites!
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hey man great buy! do u think your method will work on tangiers regular style bowls? i smoked tans passion fruit earlier today and it was smokin really well with no burning or harshness. i had a fresh lit coal and 2 halfway spent coals from the previous bowl (after nine...yuck!). it was the 1st time in a while that i got a good smoke outta tangiers but sadly started to get harsh after 20 mins. im usin silver coals, which are knock-off canary's basically but larger and come 60 in a box. im just curious if u used his other bowl and have gotten the same great results you seem to have gotten with the phunnel bowl, which i will eventually purchase.

EDIT: i packed it how i read tangiers suggest; grab a nice clump and place it on the bowl and even it out. not so much sprinkle it on like i do with other brands.
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-let the tobacco sit out for a while and acclimate for about an hour before smoking
-pack the bowl with alot more tobacco than normal, overflowing the bowl a little is okay, the foil should be touching the tobacco
- dont start off with too many coals, use 2 jap coals on a regular bowl, or 4 coals on a tangiers bowl. if using finger coals try to get them the same size as japs
- give it some time to get started, it wont start hitting right away, after a few mins it shoudl slowly start hitting better and better

good luck!
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thanks for the tips ill def try this out 2morrow with some green apple or blueberry...excellent flavors that i only got smokin good once lol.
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maybe im the only one but ive never really had trouble with tangiers. just use smaller chunks of coal spread out around the bowl. ive smoked it well in a mya bowl, a tangiers bowl, and a large egyptian. for the two larger bowls I take a 3kings 40mm and split it in quarters and fire up 4 of them, put a quarter at each corner of the bowl until thick smoke appears then pull off one quarter and move the remaining 3 quarters into a triangle. I rotate the position of the triangle slightly about every 30-45 minutes. ive never had any problems really. i think the trick is to spread out the heat so no part of the bowl gets too hot. if its getting harsh either spread it out more or move the coal (or remove a coal if you have lots of smoke already) i think yall are overthinking this stuff.
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one of the things ive found with tangiers is that it is a stronger brand, and some of the flavours are harder than others. Some almost id say scratch my throat as i smoke them, even with perfect heat management. Other ones, like licorice, blue gum ball, are almost lighter ones, and dont scratch my throat as i smoke them.

I think this is why alot of people think there burning it, they get the scratchy feeling and start coughing, and instantly think its burnt, while others who this doesnt bother, or it doesnt even effect them, enjoy a nice flavourful smoke.
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i know it isnt burnt because everytime i switch flavors the tan shisha is still wet. well im gonna try breakin up the silver coals 2nite into smaller chunks and spreadin them out evenly and see how that goes. it seems that its either too harsh and when i take off a coal its too thin. so i gotta find a midline somewhere.
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I don't treat my tangiers any differently than other shisha and it works great. I pack a normal size bowl, not overflowing, I use a normal clay bowl, not the phunnel bowl, I use a screen, not foil, and I use 3kings quick light coals, not the japanese ones.

One coal sitting on the screen and it smokes and tastes great, no burning, although the nicotine buzz is incredible and causes people to start skipping thier turn because they can't handle it (although this is what i expected, and why I bought Tangiers in the first place)

Btw, I'm using Tangiers Melon Blend
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I was using a 3Kings 33mm (smaller disc) however it was whole. I've never tried breaking up the charcoal like you guys are saying. Im very traditional when it comes to techniques. Nothing fancy.

Guess I can try breaking it into 3rds or 4ths. But do you reccomend the larger disc, like 40mm or whatever it is of 3kings broken up.
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i packed a full bowl broke 2 silver coals in halves, spread it evenly to make a square and was smokin decent for a whole 15 mins. then went to thin and harsh. im gonna go on a canary hunt later today. i seem 2 get better results with these but still not where i wanna be at.
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xpimpitox, it really does take a lot of shisha. Pack more than you think you need too! Remember the video that someone posted a while back where there was a bulge over the top of the bowl? thats what I did and my Kashmir Peach smoked like a champ.
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