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what pisses me off the most?..................and you??


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Animials that F#ck with humans! I seen americas funniest home videos when a kangaroo kicks this guy from behind into the water and the guy just sits in the water.I know that most people watching this laugh but not me this really pissed me off.....Get the fu#k up get out of that water and kick that kangaroos ass.That kangaroo knows what he did and I bet a good ass kicking would stop him from doing it to another human again.

And these fu#king spitting lamas kick their asses too.One spits in my face a round house kick to the lama chops is what he'll get. If everyone just kicks the shit out of an animal that messes with us.We'll teach them a lesson and fix this reverse animal abuse.

let me know what pisses you off the most.
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I would love to see you in a boxing match with a kangaroo :D (I have 20 bucks on the kangaroo!)

I dont get pissed very easily, but the things that do upset me are incredibly stupid and ignorant people. Nothing is worse than having to explain the most obvious crap to people. And when they get beligerent (i dont know how to spell it) when you correct them, its so retarded its funny knowing that you could whip their ass in a heartbeat.
I also get roadrage pretty bad, anything could piss me off when i'm driving.

I can't think of anything else off the top of my head, but I know there are more things that will piss me off.
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:x well go screw youself critter, i got animal DNA Injections, so im bad ass! :x :x :x :x
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[quote name='Hookahmania']:x  well go screw youself critter, i got animal DNA Injections, so im bad ass! :x  :x  :x  :x[/quote]

Huh? What would that do?
As a scientist in training I get annoyed when I read a newspaper that has its facts wrong, or people who try to talk about things like Plan B birth control and don't know the first thing about how it works.
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[quote name='Joseph'][quote name='Hookahmania']:x  well go screw youself critter, i got animal DNA Injections, so im bad ass! :x  :x  :x  :x[/quote]

Huh? What would that do?
As a scientist I get annoyed when I read a newspaper that has its facts wrong, or people who try to talk about things like Plan B birth control and don't know the first thing about how it works.[/quote]

Well screw you too joey, a Scientist, bahh, Im a Mad scientist, and I get annoyed when people oppose me, Ill see ya around kiddio, At this moment Im getting my ICBM ready for ya, and your little town too!!! :x :x :x :x
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Heh...I absolutly hate reading the newspaper and seeing a recipe that mostly consists of canned items mixed together. I can understand the need taht housewives have for such things, but then they tack the "gourmet" label on it. Look, its not gourmet when you mix canned tuna with canned mushrooms, then put it on a hot dog bun.
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i hate fat asses that sue companies for making them fat, or fat asses that sue TV stations because they saw a nipple. FUCK THAT SHIT! I hate alot of other stuff too.

Michael Moore.
Westboro Baptist Church.
Jesse Jackson.
Al Sharpton.
Kim jong Il.
John Kerry.

Ther is still more, but I cant think of them
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I hate bad drivers. I want to kill them all. Not a day goes by that I don't get cut off or someone goes out of turn at a 4 way stop. And people who can't pay attention when they are on the phone. I wish I had superpowers so that everytime I encountered a bad driver I could vaporize them on the spot. I don't care if they have children or if they mean well. I still hate them and I want them to die slowly and horribly for driving bad.
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[quote name='oryon1033']I hate bad drivers. I want to kill them all. Not a day goes by that I don't get cut off or someone goes out of turn at a 4 way stop. And people who can't pay attention when they are on the phone. I wish I had superpowers so that everytime I encountered a bad driver I could vaporize them on the spot. I don't care if they have children or if they mean well. I still hate them and I want them to die slowly and horribly for driving bad.[/quote]

I second this one! Except if you wanna go for the slow painful death i'd change your superpower to something like...being able to shoot acid like Reptile from mortal kombat or perhaps being able to infect those people with Ebola....now thats what i'm talkin about!
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you what pisses me off? PETA! FUCK PETA! goddamn anti-human league is all they are. bunch of hypocritical, terrorist funding cocksuckers.

also, militant neo-femi-nazis who, instead of equality, demand superiority over the world. they dont care for their fellow repressed women comrades, they care about their personal vendettas and hate men.

anytime someone gets on a soapbox about how bad guns are, and how guns should be banned and shit, i get pissed. not the usual "damn, im pissed" but a special dimension of pisstivity that curls my toes and boils my blood. if you are anti-gun, then you are anti-freedom.

oh, and when black people call each other niggers. i know what some one is going to say- "but scott, they dont say 'nigger', they say 'nigga'!" BULLSHIT! they say every word that ends in 'er' with an 'a', such as 'playa', or 'hata', or'gangsta'. nigga is nigger, and everytime they use it on one another, it sets the civil rights movement back just a bit. do you see jews running around calling each other kikes? or mexicans calling each other spics? no. ill bet if fifty cents were alive in the '50's, he wouldnt use the word so freely.

you know what i just realized? all of these rants belong in the serious discussion forum! but here they are.
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by "peta supports terrorism', i am referring to the Animal Liberation Front. a group that lights matches and throws bombs at universities, animals shelters, and research centers. peta funds them and people affiliated with them. not all terrorists are muslim. and anti human? if peta had their way, diabetics would not be able to take insulin (results from testing on dogs), would forbid the use of dogs a guides for the blind (and for that matter, law enforecement), and your little goldfish you keep at the office? PETA wants you to set it free. like honey nut cheerios? forget it, even bees are persecuted for their honey. i am all for animal rights, but PETA takes it too far.

as for my gun statement, i stand by it. if the police need powerful weaponry to move into a bad part of town, citizens need it. and i agree, guns should have reasonable restrictions, e.i. no sales to people with violent histories, regulations on where and when to fire the weapon (in a non crisis situation of course), required training courses for people wishing to carry concealed weapons. i disagree, however, that the government keeps databases of who has what weapons where, that addresses of people with weapons be made public, and that restrictions be put on weapons simply because they "look scary".

however, this is not the proper place to discuss this. if you want to continue, PM me. seeing as this is a joke forum, i will say this-

chuck norris once had a staring contest with the sun. the result was the first lunar eclipse.
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Ok here we go.... I hate...
President Bush, republicans, conservative democrats, BAD DRIVERS, whiny bitches who complain about stem cell research being inhumane, rednecks who think any civilian should be allowed to own an M16, religious fanatics of any kind, BAD DRIVERS ignorance, rappers, celebrity, reggaeton, racist fucks, extremism of any kind including extreme right wings, BAD DRIVERS, left wings, feminists, etc, Hilary Clinton, Joseph Lieberman, BAD DRIVERS, Donald Rumsfeld, John Ashcroft, Carl Rove, Bush Senior, Barb Bush, Jeb Bush, Laura Bush, Bushes around the world, and most of all BAD FUCKIN DRIVERS.
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the thing that bothers me alot is todays drivers... i think most of them need some lessons. i hate it when there will be a long ass line on the highway and im thinking in my head oh shit big accident hope no one got hurt but no... when i get to the scene of the accident its not serious at all and im thinking whats the delay for. I dont like it that people must slowq down to see the fender bender.

also i dont know if its like this for you where you live but when im driving and i go threw stop lights i swear that more than 50% of the time people have to break threw stop lights... i just dont get it if the light is green GOOOOO no need to slow down... thats all i got so far
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it is a good idea to slow down for intersetcions, this is an example- [url="http://ebaumsworld.com/2006/07/carcrash.html"]CRASH[/url] , or perhaps [url="http://ebaumsworld.com/2006/07/red-light-wreck.html"]this[/url]. slowing down at intersections prevents crashes.

same with accidents. people slow down to prevent hitting someone or something that might stray into the traffic. and to get a good look, lets face it we all do. and if we dont, we have to actively choose not to. i get pissed when i see someone driving while doing something people normally dont do while driving, like PLAYING FUCKING VIDEO GAMES!. i swear i saw some dipshit had his playstation hooked up and was playing while driving. whats worse, i saw someone else doind it a week later. people who put their heads down to see the radio when they change the station, people putting makeup on while driving, these are the pople that need to be eliminated.

cell phone drivers dont normally piss me off, unless they are obviously distracted by it (like a person going 5 miles an hour while chit chatting).'

oh, people who talk on cell phones while at cash registers. its like "helloooo! lets conduct some business here, so we can all go home asshole!" i work in a restaraunt that has a drive thru, and i always get people who think that our business exchange is so unimportant, theyd rather talk to some 5 year old about their legos than conduct business. me? i just stand there until they are done, or they notice that nothing is happeneing. then i say "excuse me sir, but if you dont mind, could we get to business?"
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