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Advice with Tangiers

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Well I have about a bowls worth of Tangiers Watermellon and im going to try it out tommorow, only problem is im not sure about heat managment. Everytime I read up on his stuff people always use Jap coals and all I have is Golden Quicklights, how should I set it up?
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goldens are jap though arent they? any, other than packing it down a little more i dont really set it up any different but im betting everyone else could tell you a bit better
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I dunno lol, I was talking about the silver coals though. I will probably use a screen this time because I dont have enough to fill the entire bowl I dont think. If I use foil and it doesnt touch is it going to fuck my session up? Ive never set it up where the shisha doesnt touch the foil
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easier to break in half then light. i would suggest you start with three halves to get the bowl good and hot
position them evenly around the sides of the bowl. the trick is to evenly heat as much of the bowl as possible and not put too much heat in one spot. so a whole coal is too much in one place. once the bowl gets going (itll get harsh with 3 halves) take off one of them and position the remaining two across from each other. and give it hell. it sometimes tickles the back of the throat for a minute or two but ive found that seems mainly to be the nicotine and you get used to it quickly plus the flavor will keep you coming back for more. mmm son. drink plenty of a sweet beverage and you will minimize youre hookah headache.

to quote the 40 year old virgin "youre putting the pussy on a pedestal" only here replace pussy with tangiers shisha. its not that hard to deal with. just pay attention to the heat management. if its still too hot with 2 halves break them into quarters and spread a couple of those around the bowl. like i said even heat is better than alot in one place.

mmm tangiers!
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the golden quicklite seem to behave just as the japanese coals, in terms of heat, just use 1 on a small traditional bowl hanging a little off the side. if it gets harsh move it the other side of the bowl with only about 2/3 the coal actually on the bowl, if it gets thin move it more towards the center.
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I will try that way with the next bowl I smoke. I didn't have enough Watermellon to fill the bowl so I made a mix with his Mint and Watermellon, pretty good except I really couldn't taste the watermellon, only the strong ass mint, which wasn't bad. It was also 3 in the morning so I wasn't paying attention to much lol, still nice to get it smoking on my first try
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Okay, I finally got a really good session out of Tangiers (passion fruit) with my mod bowl and Nour coals. I did two things differently: I packed the bowl tighter, and I used the "divot" method. I started with 2 quarter finger coals on opposite edges, then added a third 1/4 shortly after (15 min or so), and when those were almost dead (about 1:15 in), I added a half coal. (These are the same heat management tactics I usually employ.) I quit after about 1:40, but the bowl was still going, and the coal had a lot of life left. I think for many of us used to "fluffing up" more finely cut tobacco (which generally clumps together in the package), we are afraid to pack the bowl as tight as is necessary with Tangiers (which is loose in the package). There were still tobacco undertones, but the flavor was much richer and constant than in my previous sessions with Tangiers.
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