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Leaving tobacco in vodka...

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Can't say that I have. Have you? Give us a little bit more info than simply, has anyone ever tried this...

What do you mean 'leaving tobacco in vodka'. Soaking it overnight in an attempt to make your tobacco taste like vodka? Who in their right mind would want their tobacco to taste like vodka? To each their own I suppose :)

How about you give it a shot, and let us know how it goes ^_^

Edit: VVV Eww... VVV ^_^
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[quote name='HookahDuck']There are several margharitta flavored tobaccos out there. I dont see what is so crazy about it.

A while back, someone was talking about soaking their tobacco in whiskey before smoking it. Try a search?[/quote]

True, but these margharitta flavors are just emulating the sweet citruis flavor, not the tequilla in it.

When I think vodka, I think bleh, and can't imagine why someone would want to smoke that flavor. But I do understand that many people enjoy the taste of a fine vodka, and even sipping it straight. So yeah, I guess its not that crazy to think there could be a vodka flavor. Just something that doesn't sound appealing to me.

Thats just one of the nice things about hookah. There are an endless amount of tastes which people enjoy.

But yeah, first try adding vodka to the base and see how you like it. If that tastes good to you, then I recomend pouring some vodka over a small batch of your tobacco. Then let it dry out for a bit, because it will probably be too soupy to smoke right away. I say small batch, because you never know if it will ruin your tobacco, and you don't want an entire pack of your tobacco to go to waste. Try it with a couple bowls worth maybe?

Give us a full trip report ^_^
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Well, a little chemistry lesson here (I am sure tangiers will correct everything I get wrong), all of your glycerol will dissolve in the vodka, so when you remove the tobacco from the alchohol, you won't have any of the flavor or glycerol that give you your sweet flavored smoke.
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joseph - bingo. If were to pour a small small amount in a tub/bag of shisha, (a small enough amount to evaporate quickly), and let it evaporate, you might be left with the flavor.

But my bigger question:
I'll drink rum, brandy, gin, even tequila straight. Because the taste is good.
and I love vodka, its easy to drink, and it gets you drunk.
But i don't like the taste of vodka. I can't imagine wantint to inhale that flavor.
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Ok well if you really want the flavor that bad then just pour it into the vase. It'll cost you an arm and a leg to do as opposed to making the shisha taste that way(I'm not sure if that will even work, but it's probably worth a try). It'll be like taking a phantom shot. You will smoke and you will taste nothing but alcohol just without the liquid. When you exhale the taste will go away. I poured wild turkey whiskey into the vase once, and that's the effect I got. I didn't dilute it either. I heard that it will buzz you more with alcohol in the vase, but I noticed no difference in that dept. But give it a try and let us know what you think. I personally didn't think it was that bad it just kind of defeated the purpose. Now drinking vodka while smoking. That's a different story.
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I put 100% gin in the base and let me tell you......it tickled my fancy lol. But seriously if you do put it in the base I wouldn't put to much because it makes the smoke harsh, unless you like a burning feeling in your throat
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