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Ok smoking hookah verdict

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As some of you might have known I have had a little bit of problem with smoking-hookah.com in my last order. With the order initially the flavours of tobacco I ordered were changed without consulting me and when I recieved the package to my shock the premium hose I had waited a week and a half for was replaced by a cheap egyptian.

Since my original hose was sold out by the time I contacted them I have had to wait a month for the hoses to come back in stock. Now in all fairness I have just recieved word that they will be shipping me a slightly better hose and some free tobacco because of this ordeal and they haven't asked for the return of the original hose.

So basically I am just going to relate my experience to other members and let them decide if the company is worth doing business with. There has been a lot of frustration and waiting for a very simple order but at the end of the day I will be getting my intended hose, some free tobacco and I have a new basic hose. Although I really don't know what I will do with it.

So yeah you decide
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