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Nakhla coffee interim review

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This is just an initial impression review of my first experience with Nakhla Coffee, or Arab Coffee as some call it. The reason for this is I smoked it with a new brand of coal I'm not familiar with (Pegasus) and I have a feeling this is the reason it tasted the way it did: Like spit. Or ass. Or something you would find on the movie theater floor after kids day. :mrgreen:

I ran out of 3 kings and had some Pegasus Smoking-hookah sent. I had tried their Star brand and found it nasty, and this stuff has a few of those properties. My 3 kings are due in tomorrow night. The UPS doesn't deliver here until evening, being out in the middle of nowhere, across the river Styx.
Anyhow, Just thought I'd waste two minutes of your time writing a pointless post, as I've missed you terribly and still can't get enough of the forum. I'm turning soft these days.

Oh yea, MRS Bubble ordered 3 kings, Golden Japanese coals, and some Nakhla Esk. Woohoo! I reformed the Shisha-Nazi! :lol:

I will try the Nakhla coffee as soon as I have the new coals, so for now, if you have any inclination of trying this shisha, DON'T DO IT! At least not until I can get a better impression of it.

MR Bubble
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