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This kind of thing just happened to a friend of mine. You are doing one of two things:

1) You are not waiting long enough between washing the hose out and smoking, and it just collecting a bunch of shit from the moisture.

2) You have your water level too high in your hookah, and water is getting up into the hose while you smoke, causing the same problem.

I honestly hardly ever wash my hoses out. MAYBE a couple of times a year at most. Try and wash your hose out, and let it hang somewhere for at least a few days to dry out. You should be cool after that.

EDIT: And after you wash it, make sure you go outside and swing it over your head (like a helicopter blade) to get as much water out as you can before letting it dry.
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I own 6 hoses just like the one he has (they are Myas, which is what you get from Social Smoke) and have never had a speck of rust come out of any of them, and they have been washed. Maybe e-mail Social Smoke and talk to them about it. If you haven't had your hose for very long, they might send a new one your way.
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