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HK Order Arrived

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Well ordered on thursday a orange funnel, nakhla mandarin, and nakhla mixed fruit :D Got here today, at the normal time for UPS, around 7pm :P Gotta say i now like HookahKings, ver nice order expereince.

Heres a pic of my 2 funnels.

The yellow from tangiers directly, and the orange i just got :D I swear they should be the same size, buy the orange is shorter and deeper, the yellow is taller and wider, and not as deep. i know there hand made, but ive noticed that in pics of the funnels on other sites and from other users, almost all look more like the orange one than my yellow from tang himself XD oh well i love em both, one for each hookah.

Getting a small from mnhookah, and a medium, so when i get my other 2 hookahs ill have one for each hookah :P
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