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The wonderful world of diffusers

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I recently put a diffuser on my hookah and it is AMAZING! When you pull
it makes it feel as if you are taking a breath. It works by breaking up
the large air/smoke bubbles that come up through the water into much
smaller bubbles so the hits are much much smoother (I think it also
makes the smoke a bit thicker). Heres how I made mine:

Get a bowl grommet, the bigger the better. I have a gnarly white one
that I use which is conical. The opening at the top is about 1.3cm and
an opening at the bottom is 2.1cm (the side walls are about 0.5cm
thick). No matter what grommet you use make sure that the smaller
opening will fit snugly around the end of the stem (the skinny part
that goes in the water).
Now get a little container of some sort. It needs to be a cylinder that
is open on one end and closed on the other. The open end should fit
snugly into the larger opening of the grommet. I found that small
perscription medicine containers work well, but I have also seen people
use what look to be the plastic caps that go over pre-bottled water
with sports-caps (the big bottles, not the little ones). Before you put
your container into the grommet drill a bunch of holes in it with a
small drill bit.
To put the diffuser on your hookah, first put the bowl grommet on the
end of the stem and then push the container into the still open end of
the grommet so that the pressure from the rubber keeps it in place. Now
you have a diffuser!

Try it and you will like it.

*This isn't the only way to make a diffuser... you can also get a small
container with a top and drill a hole the top for the stem and holes in
the container... just make sure theres a seal around the stem.
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[quote name='Fumystery']does it change the sound of teh bubbles ?[/quote] it probly wud, i have a fishtank with sometihng similar its
got a ceramic shaft on the end of the pump with many holes in it so
instead of of a glug glug sound its mor elike a fizzing sound
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piper, think of it this way, a tiny can with lots of holes in it that
fits over the bottom of the stem, instead big bubbles coming from the
stem, lots fo little bubbles will come out of the holes
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8 hole Diffuser I fitted to my stem. Just installed it so I've yet to
test it, but I've used it on other water pipes and the result is
excellent. Improves cooling, filtration, smoke quality and sound.
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That diffuser is awsome - nice idea - and it really makes sense that it will change the smoke - making it smoother - if you think of the "phase seperation seperation theory" behind it (well thats just me being an engineer again )
I gotta get one
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i made that one myself (im a machinist). Smoked with that installed
last night (on mushrooms), amazing smoke, the flavor was noticeably
stronger and the sound was excellent!
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mushrooms cant be grown hydroponically, common misunderstanding.
mushrooms must be grown directly on organic matter. aaaaanyways...

yes kofod, i designed a special autosealing/extra hose adapter but it
seems Mya Saray beat me to it... they should be releasing it soon in
north america.

Ive also improved the diffuser a bit, added an extension and the
diffuser tip can now be removed so it doesnt get in the way of regular
cleaning. once my lathe is working ill build a much nicer brass
diffuser with big holes to make a nice full bubble pattern... the sound
is already sweet
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the adapter from smoking-hookah is to convert an exaust valve into a
hose port, but its not autosealing nor can it be installed in an
existing hose port (for autosealing). The Mya adapter will do both.
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My smoking-hookah "on-exhaust-valve" adaptor do autoseal - just leave the ball in when screwing the adaptor on and there's autoseal - there's a grid in the adaptor allowing the ball to stay in and thereby the valve to be functional.
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  • 3 weeks later...
they actually make those things.

i got one myself.
haven't tried it yet, but bought it from a local shop. not expensive.
About 5 US dollars or so when converting (considering UK is usually
expensive :) )

they are made of the same kind of material as the grommets. probably some kind of plastic/rubber.

you get a small and a bigger one in the pack. (2 sizes)

will try it at the end of the week. :)

here's a pic

tube will fit snugly into the top (theres like a rubber flexible hole) so the end of the tube will be halfway inside the thing.
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i got mine from a local shop. not sure if the do them anywhere online.
they are not worth the ebay fees to put on, not to mention shisha material doesnt sell well.
i take paypal if you want one, just pm me through the forum.
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I want one too!
Thing is, I have a hex nut at the end of the tube on the outside.
Would it fit? How do they attach?
I suppose another benefit to using a diffuser would be that the bubbles create less of a splash,
so that water doesn't splash up into the hose intake!
 After a while in a session I get liquid at the mouthpiece.....
That metal diffuser looks AWESOME, how does it attach?
Mo, is your plastic one a slip-on? How does that one attach?

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i've got a hex nut thing at the bottom of mine too, im thinking about
taking a sawzall or hack saw and cutting it off and fabricating
something for my stem though... im not an engineer just a really handy
kid with tools all around me. Any reccomendations on what materials i
should use to make a diffuser...,  i dont know if i can make
anything as nice as the one Apoc did, but i can try, heh
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[quote name='supachink']i've got a hex nut thing at the bottom of mine too, im thinking about
taking a sawzall or hack saw and cutting it off and fabricating
something for my stem though... im not an engineer just a really handy
kid with tools all around me. Any reccomendations on what materials i
should use to make a diffuser...,  i dont know if i can make
anything as nice as the one Apoc did, but i can try, heh[/quote]

an easy thing to do would be to just drill the shaft, in the same
pattern as apoc, only tihng is it isnt revversible, but if u dont like
it u cud just cover it with a piece of tape
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[quote name='HookahCulture']Mo, is your plastic one a slip-on? How does that one attach?GROMMET??[/quote]
the end of the pipe goes into the filter (or diffuser or whatever you want to call it).
it's 2 pieces, the piece with the holes which you can see, and the second piece is a rubbery top that fits on top (less apparant in the picture)
the 2nd piece has a small circular hole which would expand to accomodate the pipe. once the pipe is forced through (it is flexible), it will grip on it very tightly.
the thing is, when i try it on my shisha in a couple of days, I am curious to the sound. I find the bubble sound very therapeutic and would not really see the point in stopping it. Any benefits to this I will post on the site when i try it (i.e if it improves anything)
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