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I hate playing the waiting game...

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You get so hyped up about getting something... and then when it comes around to checking to see if it's there, it isn't. And I have a tracking number on the hookah, but guess what, usps hasn't been updating the location... so I just have to wait till monday and hope it gets here :/
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i know what u mean dizzy lol. i check like a 100 times a day once i get that trackin number. i think its sometimes better off i dont and just act all surprised when its at my front doorstep lol
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Well, the thing is, it was scanned when it left MN... and I got the update option where every place it went through, it should ahve been scanned into the system to let me know where it is.
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doh! ohh well ill go take a looksie...i got an itch 2 order some goodies since im down 2 one roll of 3 kings and i dont really like 3kings :X
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Ok, so the hookah come in today... Got "The Trip" in orange... And the "goodies" that mn was refering to included I believe was some hose tips, two rolls of 3Ks and some tropical peach havana... It smells ok... I must admit, I'm not a huge huge fan of peace, but I'm always up for new experiences :D

Anyways, here's the pics...

Outside of the package...


The box...


Packed full of peanuts...


Stuff inside...


Assembled hookah.


Let yall know how it smokes later, I hope I'll get to smoke tonight... if not tonight, tomorrow def.
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