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My Smiley Bowl!!

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So I got one of the smiley bowls from Hookahcompany.com. It took a little bit of work, but it's definitely a great buy. It uses a lot less heat and I get to watch the tobbacco burn when I'm smoking. The glass screen makes me feel better because I'm skeptical about smoking off of aluminum foil/metal every night.

I believe that this was a good purchase.

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Thanks for trying it out. I so very happy your enjoying it. If your need replacement screens.You can send me a Pm. I will take care of you.Thanks again
Smiley 8)
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[quote name='smiley']Thanks for trying it out. I so very happy your enjoying it. If your need replacement screens.You can  send me a Pm. I will take care of you.Thanks again  
Smiley 8)[/quote]

Thanks! I'll let you know when I need one. How often do you think I need to change the screen?
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[quote name='cabanapatio']its made of glass? Wouldn't that crack easily with a rapid temperature change?  :?:[/quote]

The change isn't rapid. It would gradually warm up if you put coals on and gradually slow down if you take them off. Grass does crack though if it's rapid temperature change, for example, taking a windshied that has been covered with snow for the night, and throwing hot water on it.
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[quote name='BattlePope'][quote name='cabanapatio']its made of glass? Wouldn't that crack easily with a rapid temperature change?  :?:[/quote]

The change isn't rapid. It would gradually warm up if you put coals on and gradually slow down if you take them off.Grass does crack though if it's rapid temperature change, for example, taking a windshied that has been covered with snow for the night, and throwing hot water on it.[/quote][color=red][/color]

Grass don't crack, it burns, juss kidding, got you on that one. :wink:
(like I don't make a million typos).
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The glass we use is Pyrex. Also the bowls have been cured in a Kiln for 20hours. This creates a stronger glass. I've taken cold screen and placed them on a range set on High. no problems. i don't suggest doing that. But it can be done. Also because glass is a conductor of heat you use less charcoal. saveing you money. Your srceen should last a great deal of time. remember it's glass. If you want to clean them. you can use rubbing alochol.
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