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Forum special

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Greetings all,

As you know, we don't have a "forum discount" or anything like that. Our philosophy is that if we could afford to give a discount to one group of people, we'd just lower our prices and give it to everyone.

However, to show my appreciation for the hookah community and in particular this forum, we're going to start giving away some free stuff to people when they order.

In the next couple of days we'll start giving away free hookahs or something, but first I'd just like to test how well this sort of thing works. So here goes:

The next five orders that we receive from the forum will receive a free bowl and a free t-shirt with their order. When you place your order just type "forum" and your t-shirt size in the comments section of the order form and we'll throw it in with your order.

After we get all 5 orders from the forum (it could be a day or two, I don't know) I'll update this post to let everyone know that it is over.

Happy shisha.
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