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hello everybody
were is the cheepest place to get a box of 100 3 kings quicklights, or just coals in general. im intrested into changing to jap. coals but im scared that i wont get them to work right.
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From what I understand Jap' coals are the silver coloured finger type coals, whereas 3 Kings are the quicklight style

[quote]Japanese Charcoal: Characterized by their tablet form and silver coating, these charcoals get their name because they originated in Japan and until recently was exclusively manufactured there. Japanese made charcoals are still among the best quality charcoals available and are quite expensive. As such, recently new brands from China such as Easy Lite have sprung up at a fraction of the original Japanese charcoal prices.  

Quick Light Charcoal: The most commonly used type of hookah charcoal in America. Quick-light charcoals such as Three Kings are enormously popular due to their high quality and ease of use. These charcoals are characterized by being very easy to light needing only a match and can be ready for use in under a minute. While lighting, these charcoal will give off an unpleasant smell and smoke, so they should always be lit in a well ventilated area or preferably outside. Once fully lit, the charcoal burns without noticeable flavor or taste.[/quote]
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mnhookah... just call or e-mail them. you can even tell them you're on the forum.

elitehookah.com <<purdy cheap coals and they are doing a discount right now where when you order something, they'll throw in a bowl and a t-shirt if you type forum and your t=shirt size in the comment section of the order form... this is only for the first 5 orders though.
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