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starlight japanese coals....

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anybody ever try these? they are obvious chinese knock-offs but i just tried them with a session of starbuzz sweet melon and they worked pretty damn good! a helluva lot better than diamante and those silvercoals i had last. they come in a box of 72 and i dont even know what it cost me...i rushed to a local headshop after my motivation and leadership final and the guy was closin up. he said do you have cash? i said uhh no only credit/debit. so he is all pay me 2morrow or the day after its all good! im like sweet! but anyways they light pretty quick, give no extra taste but my only gripe is that they dont last very long. they also burn at a lower temp because it took a little longer to get the shisha going. but overall im very satisfied but im still gonna stick 2 my canary's but ill pick these up once in awhile to serve as back up coals. i highly recommend em if you see these versus other chinese knock off's.
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