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Wahable hoses?

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It would appear that the only hoses that are truly washable are the 'mya' ones.

However i have a hose with teh steel wire on teh outside! However there is no way to tell.

So it's not a 'mya' and dosn't state as washable the chances are it isn't

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[quote name='Dragonsmettle']so how do you clean unwashable hoses, ive just been blowing threw them, is that all i can do?[/quote]

I have used a very thin brush to clean the hose out. Basically it's like dry cleaning the vase. Then blow like hell through it.

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[quote name='pauldavis']get out your vaccume cleaner and put one end of the hose into the hose attachnemt on the vaccume...then shake it, beat it, whatever you can do to knock the particles loose[/quote]

Brilliant! I was wondering the same thing. Mine isn't washable and I'm really getting sick of my strawberry stuff and want to make sure i get all that smell out when i do a different one.
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[quote name='toothhookahharp']does vaccuuming out the hose and washing out the rest do a good enough job to switch tobacco flavors and drown out any other of the old stuff?[/quote]

It works for me
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