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the waiting game always drives me nuts

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So i finally got around to ordering some new toys. First off the hookah someone bought me to replace the one they broke, is a MYA stem with some random base. I was happy with this, but the stem was for the Lebaneese style bowls, so I went ahead and ordered the stem convertor and a new WIDe hose from mya direct. There isnt any tracking information, but they are close being in sterling, only like 30 minutes away, but i was lazy so i ordered it over the net.

Stem Convertor - 7
15% hookah forum Discount
Shipping - 7?

Total came up to like 22$ so it wasnt bad there

My other order coming form hookahcompany is what im really wanting to speed along. It says it will get here friday but i check every day just in case the fedex man drove extra fast. The tangiers funnel bowl, but of course because it has had so much praise, and also a bag of tangiers PASSION FRUIT. I went ahead and stayed from my normal setup of three kings discs to the japanese silvers. If you havent noticed i really want that perfect tangiers smoke i keep hearing about. I'll post my comments on friday when i get it.

Tangiers Funnel Bowl - 13
Charcoal x 2 - 18
15% discount hookahforum
shipping - 9

total was 50.

so grand total of 72, not bad, ive done better, but i cant wait for my funnel bowl and bag of tangiers!
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