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I just remembered these two about poor ol' hellen keller:

Why couldnt hellen keller drive? Because she was a woman. :D

Why did hellen keller use 2 hands to masterbate? One to rub herself and the other to moan.

On a side note I admire hellen keller for all she did for people with leprosy or whatever it was she had. I also do not have a problem with women, drivers, or women drivers. I love all and everyone who fits into those groups.
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[quote name='DarthHookah']oohh.... dude... :shock: for fucks sake... read [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helen_Keller"] this [/url], then read [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leprosy"] this [/url]...[/quote]

Dude I know what HK's real issues where and what leprosy was. Come on! It's called humor people! this is a joke forum!!!!
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