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hookah in the toilet !

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guys yesterday night after a long day, I decided to smoke a bowl of Al Waha banana.

Half way through 15 mins, my stomach decided it cant wait any longer. So I took my Hookah with me in the bathroom :) had a good smoker inside.

But immediately after, I had this huge headache man my head was spinning. I became sick. Maybe its CO poisoning in the covered bathroom.
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I think your hypothesis is correct Vin, if you were in a small bathroom with no ventilation you probably didn't get any Oxygen and gave yourself CO poisening. I do have friends who like to soak in the tub and smoke, but they crack the door and turn on the fan.
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Another person checking into the "i've smoked while taking a shit" club.

Although I really didn't bring my hookah into the bathroom with me. I smoke upstairs in our family's 'game room'. The entire floor is carpeted, so I don't like to place my hookah on the carpet, for fear of a rogue coal falling and ruining the floor. SO I keep the hookah on the tile, which is connected to the bathroom, and just use a 15' long vinyl tubing to reach me on the couch.

Well natured called, and the hose was long enough, so I just brought the hose into the bathroom area and did my business. Very relaxing I must admit. Guess thats one more thing I can check off my 'things to do in this lifetime' list. Smoking hookah while taking a poo. CHECK!

Don't hate us because we're weird. Love us because we're daring!
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Hahaha!! We used to have this guy on the forum who used to blow mud whenever he smoked. One day he blew mud in his pants because his smoke session was so good, he didn't want to get up and go crap in the can! Hahaha!

MR Bubble
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[quote name='MR Bubble']Hahaha!! We used to have this guy on the forum who used to blow mud whenever he smoked. One day he blew mud in his pants because his smoke session was so good, he didn't want to get up and go crap in the can! Hahaha!

MR Bubble[/quote]

that is so [img]http://i106.photobucket.com/albums/m273/Johnny_w_D/sick.gif[/img]... WRONG.

What is this fixation with taking a dump whilst smoking?!

You need Fibre in your diet ladies!

JD - Fibrelicious
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[quote name='Lakemonster']Well...........

I certainly wouldnt turn it into a multi-hose situation if ya know what I mean.....[/quote]


And yeah.. I'm not sure if I want to smoke on the toilet. Too many smells conflicting with each other.
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as gross as this may sound, hookah smoking usually stimulates a bowel movement from me, or one of my friends. Its kindof a bitch, considering im the onyl one of my friends who has a hookah so everyone takes a dump in my bathroom, but im pretty sure it warms your blood and digestive organs.
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