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Just smoked out of my new QT.

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I put in some Nakhla strawberry in my brand new QT tonight and it wasn't bad at all (now granted, I haven't had a lot of different types of tobaccy so meh). It sucks that I can't smoke in the dorms so I had to go outside. It was really cold and and it was misting out. Didn't make a for a great environment but I had to smoke today. :D Once I find a place to smoke indoors, all will be good. :)
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Well, there is a slight problem with smoking in [i]my[/i] room...I happen to live on the honors engineering floor (screw engineering - gonna drop out at the end of the semester :D) so let's just say that they aren't the party animals and I could see myself getting ratted out by some of them.
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Do you have a stove in your dorm? If not, do you have a portable heating element? If so, you should pick up some Japanese coals and light them on that. They smell a lot less then the finger style coals. I'd totally smoke in the dorm.
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[quote name='MrMoodz']Do you have a stove in your dorm?  If not, do you have a portable heating element?  If so, you should pick up some Japanese coals and light them on that.  They smell a lot less then the finger style coals.  I'd totally smoke in the dorm.[/quote]

I don't have either. :( It is something I could look into though. 8)
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I was just looking at the target and walmart web site and couldnt find it on either, i bought mine from ralphs! haha I do belive they have them at savons too... heres one link I found

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portable plug in stoves... go to wal-mart. It's not on the website. I work at target and looked around, the only one that we had costs like $22... and wal-mart's costs like 8 and change.

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[quote name='Chip']engineering ya... what school, im at Purdue only reason i wonder.[/quote]

I'm a freshman in the FYE program. I don't expect myself to make it through and continue into a school. I was planning on nuclear engineering but I keep screwing up easy exams and my grades aren't so hot. I really don't expect to have a good enough GPA to make it worth it. I plan on CODOing to software engineering and get out of the engineering program sometime in the near future. What year are you?

Guess I won't be going to Target then. Sounds like Walmart to me if I actually go through with it.
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gotcha thats cool i have a friend that went to that school but it think it was for architecture... correct me if i'm wrong but there is a architecture school there too. well i was going to start off in engineering but my grades were never good enough so im in industrial desgn, its actually an awsome major just really time consuming
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