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Exploding 3 Kings

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I just decided to a get quick session in before a grueling day of work. I packed a nice bowl of After Nine, and lit the coal, and let it sit to get hot and ashed a little before putting it one, like usual. Then, when I went to pick up the coal, the damn thing blew up. Not like a normal pop, the thing literally popped, into a thousand little shards.

Not only did I get the hell burned out of my hands and bare feet, but my pants and shirt now have a thousand teeny holes in them from the coal shrapnel. Has anyone else had a huge reaction like this? Only a quarter of the coal remained after it blew.
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haha I had that happen the other night. Removing a coal and I guess I squeezed it too hard (but I usually do it that way and nothing happened til now) and it fell into pieces. ha there goes the dinky table cloth. Then I had to put out the lil tiny pieces of charcoal that were still lit. So I come over with a wet paper towel and pat the whole area down.
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try heating them on low on an oven or range. coals exploding are a pretty common thing, they are mentioned in places on the forum. If the heat direct on the coal is too large it will explode, so try slowly heating it first.
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i had that happen to me before with three kings. not into hundreds of pieces but enough to get to me and burn me. i was upset but i still had a good smoking session if i can recal correctly.
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believe it or not one time canary's did this 2 me and exploded in my room :( silver coals which are also japanese style do this 2 me all the time which is why i wont ever buy them again.
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I had a 3 Kings shoot a jet of flame out onto my hand once. Looked like a firework. Other than that traumatic experience, no problems. My brother just bought a box of these little discs from Greece, and he said almost every other one blows up in his face.
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I won't laugh at you.. Well, not out loud anyway :wink: . However, seems 3 kings have a much lower explosion rate than Goldens. I'm guessing it effects certain Lots or batches. Or could just be the random air pocket that happens to maybe 1 or 2 out of thousands. You just happened to be the lucky winner!

MR Bubble
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I've had this happen a fair amount with Coals in the uk.

'Swiftlight' appear to the best we can get without too much blowing up. However I recently discovered something.
If you light it on the bottom they tend to be more explosive. However if you turn it over and light it on the
side that is indented they appear more stable?!

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[quote name='[LB']]does anyone have a video camera? i  think one of us should get out the old blowtorch and try and make on of these mofos explode.[/quote]

Sounds like you chose your own mission dude. :wink:

MR Bubble
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