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Gee, that title made me feel like a newb. ([i] Like a virgin....[/i]) :lol:

Seriously, here's a pic of my first hookah. I got this in Sharm El Sheikh (remember the the place in the Sinai that got blasted last year? Yeah, one of those shops probably, but that was 6 or so years ago). It's been sitting on the shelf for the past year and I had an urge to clean her up and run her a little.


This is her in her full glory. I never named her, so I really don't know if it's a her. I just go with it, and so should you all.


A few details. Those fine engravings are a real pecker-gnat to clean tarnish out of. Oh, and let the dirty Brasso get in them and it's all over with. The only thing I found to remotely succeed in in cleaning out the engraving pits is a couple tablets of Polydent denture cleaner, dissolved in a cup, and brushed on with a tooth brush. I mean literally scrubbed like hell for a long time, then rinsed in hot water. She's a high maintenance one. And no... I don't use Polydent. I have no need for it, other than this hookah and my metal coffee carafe. Okay? 8)


The vase.


Me, enjoying some Nakhla mango. She smokes well.


MRS Bubble blowing an amazing smoke landscape. Thanks to her "Popping a vein in her forehead" type drags, the damned bowl only lasted about 10 minutes. That girl just can't relax with this thing. :evil:

Okay hookah-dudes and dudettes, have a nice evening, and hopefully I'll see you tomorrow.

MR Bubble
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Sorry, I don't mean to put you on the spot Bubble, and scare you from ever showing pictures of yourself again ^_^

Beauty of a hookah. I don't have anything that ornate, but the basic concept of a simple, single hose egyptian, theres nothing better eh? I have a stargate, spyder, a few minis, and a few egyptians, and NOTHING in my collectiong gets more use than the single hose bad boys. Great choice/color scheme. I have a blue/gold combo as well.

Bravo duder!

Edit: Holy christ, upon second glance of Mrs. Bubble smoking, she has a massive thick cloud going. She smokes like the pros as well huh? All the girls I've smoked with in the past get these little dust clouds, and are too afraid to really open their lungs.

I need to find me a girl who loves hookah. If she doesn't like hookah, than she doesn't like me. It's a package deal amI right fellas?
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[quote name='yashman19']I need to find me a girl who loves hookah. If she doesn't like hookah, than she doesn't like me. It's a package deal amI right fellas?[/quote]

You know it baby!

And Mr Bubble - Looking good man :)

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[quote name='yashman19']OH MY GOD! MY FIRST GLANCE AT THE KING HIMSELF!!!

Sorry, I don't mean to put you on the spot Bubble, and scare you from ever showing pictures of yourself again ^_^[/quote]

hahaha i was about to say the same. Its like the face of allah./
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[quote name='yashman19']OH MY GOD! MY FIRST GLANCE AT THE KING HIMSELF!!![/quote]

For me it was more like the scene in Raiders of the Lost Ark when all goes to shit after they open the Ark of the Covenant... We are not worthy to gaze upon the face of God. :D
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wholly shit thats a freakin beautiful hookah. nice clouds of smoke BTW! ohh how i wish i could smoke indoors it would make my sessions much more relaxing.
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