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might sound dumb but...

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I wouldn't do it myself. Rolling plain tobacco into cigarettes is fine to me, because it's plain tobacco. But rolling shisha into cigarettes and attempting to smoke them sounds like a bad idea. If it would even light the molasses would probably burn, resulting in the smoke tasting acrid, like smoking cotton candy that had fire set to it. I, myself, have never tried rolling shisha, but it's just my prerogative.
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I'm not really sure. I would think that the fact that shisha is "wet" would make it harder to burn than a cigarette. Not to mention that the smoke would be really harsh, if you're someone like me who is used to hookah smoke.
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Yeah thats exactly what I heard that it is too wet.Thanks for clearing that up for me. The only reason I asked was since they have flavored rolling paper, I thought it might be good with "flavored tobacco". But I guess thats why you mix shisha flavors
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Are you serious? Whoa I did not know that. So its just called flavored tobacco? Is there a difference between that, and shisha? Because isnt shisha pretty much flavored tobacco? And is it addictive? Does it have nicotine in it, like cigarettes?
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shisha tobacco gets its flavor from the molassas or honey that is in it... and with a combination of glycerine, right? Anyways, it would be cool if it worked, but unfortunantly it wouldn't :P
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my friend tried it with zigzags and nakhla doule apple years back. he got rolled pretty good then hacked his lungs out upon lighting and takin a big ass puff. we proceeded to have a nice bowl of shisha afterwards lol
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Nope. I;ve tried several methods. Corn wrappers, rice wrappers, briar pipe...not a meerchaum too expensive....and i've tried it from my favorite metal pipe. honestly, the metal pipe ALMOST worked. i could taste a semblance on the first puff. I keep trying to formulate an idea on making a metal pipe that CAN do it. I'll let you all know if that ever works out.
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I can't give you specifics, but it's much healthier than cigarettes... mostly because it's made to smoke from a pipe and not inhale. Pipe tobacco can be a bit harsh for inhaling. Like I said, it's much more pure as well, so it's nowhere near as bad as cigarettes are.
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well its healthier. much might be stretching it. have you ever even dealt with shisha hops? its very wet. as in you would have a soggy rolled up cig. flavored tobacco would be like cigarette or pipe tobacco but with some flavoring added.
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[quote name='Pieces]I can't give you specifics' date=' [b'][color="red"]but it's much healthier than cigarettes[/color]

I'm sorry to say that I find this statement painfully wrong.

The very very very bottom line with smoking ANYTHING, inhale or otherwise is this : It Is Not Good For You. Period.

Pipe smoke Can still lead to cancers of the mouth and throat.
If anyone is worried about the heath impact then avoid it. It's the only sensible advice.

JD -
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actually according to the surgeon generals report, yeah that big one. If you sort through it it shows that the mortality rate for pipe smokers who didnt inhale was actually LOWER than that of non-smokers and the inhalers were even, yeah go figure that one out. Granted that thing came out in the 60s or whatever so its a bit outdated.
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Ok so heres the deal, tobacco is tobacco no matter how its smoked, bottom line. Its unhealthy, but we take that risk because we enjoy it, its been said here on the forums before but this is why smoking is an adult decision. Hookah is really no healthier than cigarettes or cigars or pipes, the only difference is the type of cancer most prevelent. Also all have nicotine, enough to get you addicted, be it a little or alot. No cigarettes are a little different in that they have so "interesting" additional chemicals, however, how many people do you hear about dying from the arsenic in cigarettes instead of lung cancer? So just because hookah tobacco, pipe tobacco, rolling tobacco, whatever kind of tobacco you can think of, the root is tobacco which is proven to be a leading cause in several cancers, so dont try to rationalize smoking because you think its safe, its not.
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Abide, whether the Sugeon General's report is old or not, it should be relevant, yes? I think that slight reduction in mortality rates for pipe smokers could be explanable by a statistical variance, not a real one. I think that report might indicate that how tobacco is manufactured impacts how damaging it is. Highly manufactured and designed cigarettes and cigarette-like tobacco products are more damaging. Thats why cigar smokers have a far lower rate than cigarette smokers, but still a higher rate than non-smokers because of those crummy manufactured cigars. Here's a chart that might explain the behavior:

Type Percent made in "bad way" Percent made in natural or "safe way"

Cigarettes 95% 5%
Cigars 25% 75%
Pipe Tobacco 1% 99%
Chewing Tobacco 95% 5%

If you look at the relative rates, the biggest contributers are the tobaccos that seem to have the most mass-manufacturing and the most processing. If we can steal a page from McDonald's "It is common knowledge that highly processed foods are worse for you than unprocessed foods." Could it be true for tobacco too?

Smoking is dangerous. The way the legal system is now, anybody saying otherwise is foolhardy...or broke to begin with.
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