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New CUSTOM hose cover!

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Ok, so, for those who don't know, azcoyote has sent me a VERY nice custom hose cover for my Mya QT. I've been so busy that I havent had a chance to smoke, but i would be doing him a disjustice not to at least post the photos.

I am linking to the URLs because they are large pictures (600k each)
This is the Mya QT, complete with the hose cover. Doesn't it look hot? This cover is on a standard Mya hose. The number that is written on that piece of paper is my office number, feel free to call :-P

One more of the completed project.

This is the mouth piece end of the hose. This portion of the cover is done in a brown leather and feels great. Easy to grip.

This is the end that plugs into the hookah itself. This portion of the cover is crafted from what feels like a velvet of some sort. Sorry for the poor quality on this shot.

The middle of the cover feels like some sort of black velvet as well. The entire hose is high quality, was made to my specifications, and is comfortable. It really adds an element of personalization to the Mya, considering so many people have them.

I would like to thank azcoyote for this. It really makes me happy to have such a great piece of custom work.[/url]
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Thanks for posting the great pics. Glad to see we got a good fit from the measurements you sent. Some information - the hose jacket is made of black washable 100% nylon microfiber. It is made from one piece of cloth. The thread used in assembly is nylon. The rust colored end is some upholstery fabric and the leather is...leather.

For those interested in having similar items made, I have microfiber in a variety of colors. Although it's washable, darker colors will probably look better longer. I have used it in upholstery for years and it's amazingly durable. I have removed ball point pen marks from it with dishsoap and water. I also have some other suitable decor fabrics. If you send a pic or tell me the color scheme of your pipe, room, ect I can find something complementary.

pricing.....includes shipping and handling

To produce and ship one hose set (jacket up to 72", two sliding collars in leather and fabric.) $21.00

If you order a spare jacket at the same time, in the same material, I can include it for an additional $7.50

Leather collars up to 6" available at $4.00
Fabric ends up to 12" available for $3.00

For multi-hose rigs your first set comes to 21.00
Second set 15.50
Third set and beyond 14.00

Haven't worked out wholesale pricing, but will come up something for retailers, etailers and lounge owners.

To make one for you I need the LENGTH of your hookah hose as measured between handle and tailpiece, or however much you wish to cover. I also need the DIAMETER of the handle base at its WIDEST point. And of course your fabric preferences.

Since this is a custom service, I am alway interested in helping you achieve the result you desire and am ready to hear your input. PM me with the particulars. We can handle payment a variety of ways. Thanks for your interest!
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Certainly. The cover alone would run like 14 bucks with shipping. PM me with the measurements and a tell me what a standard Shiek cover means. I am not an expert on hoses. Just an upholsterer looking to do something different. The collars are not attached to the hose for your information. They slide freely over it and are held in place by friction only. Thank you for your interest.
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[quote name='azcoyote']Certainly. The cover alone would run like 14 bucks with shipping. PM me with the measurements and a tell me what a standard Shiek cover means. I am not an expert on hoses. Just an upholsterer looking to do something different. The collars are not attached to the hose for your information. They slide freely over it and are held in place by friction only. Thank you for your interest.[/quote]

Not going to be getting one quite this minute, but I'd definately like to get one made up within the month. Just spent 75 bucks on cigars today, so my tobacco allowance is spent for the week. :lol:

Anyways the cover I was reffering to would be one like the "Sheik" hookahs from hookah-shisha.com, basically just a tube of cloth with both ends drawn together with elastic.

I was wondering, could you do more than one color? Right now I've got an orange base and a green hose and head, an Irish tricolor hose cover would look pretty sweet:
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