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Quick Coal Can

Growley Monster

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Didn't cost nothing. Two empty cans, some copper wire, a few minutes of my time. Not elegant, but it works

I took the lid of the big can and bent down the edges so anything that falls through, lands on the elevated lid, and the bottom won't get hot. Big loop of wire for the handle so it can't get hot. The inner can where the burning coals are kept has holes in the bottom for air, and is suspended in the center of the big can, up at the top of it, with three pieces of copper wire. More holes drilled in the big can about the level of the bottom of the small can, to let air in. I think I drilled like 16 holes there. Works fine. Outside doesn't get hot enough to burn anything. The way we use it, (we don't smoke indoors) is we light CocoNara on the gas stove top, drop them in the can, and safely carry the whole mess out onto the porch. We usually make a bowl last a couple of hours so I light four coals and start with two on the bowl. We then have two coals for the bowl, and two more to keep the fire going in the can. A couple of new pieces will light in just a few minutes in contact with the first two.



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