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bowl cleaning

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My hookah has been tasting horribly latey. Ive tried cleaning everything but nothing is working. The other day i smelled the bowl, and it smelled very strongly of various hookah flavors. I wrapped my mouth around the bottom of the bowl and pulled and it tasted sort of like how the hookah has been tasting. I tried washing it with soap and water and the smell was still there. It still didnt go away after washing it with white vinegar. Is the bowl even the problem in this situation or does it not really matter? If so, how would i go about removing this smell from it?
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[quote name='dirtysamurai']how can you not have vinegar?[/quote]
...just like Americans don't have mounties. Don't know which one is better to have though.

Be careful with your bowl...some clays if fired a certain way will crumble if you soak them in water too long. Don't worry though...I don't think many hookah bowls are made like that though.
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I just throw my heads onto a hot stove burner for a few minutes and it cooks all the goop particles right off. Works like a charm, though ya might get some black charring so don't leave it on too long.

Disclaimer: I don't know a lot about ceramic/clay firing, so I'm not sure if this is dangerous for your bowl (i.e. could crack it). All I know is it works for me.
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[quote name='Johnny_D']I don't know what my brothers & sisters on the other side of the pond call it :-  But I use
a scourer pad with some hot soapy water. cleans the shit right out :)


yep thats what they are called here! like a Scotch Brite pad.
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