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the 3 hose hookah!

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i have one problem, is it normal.....everytime i smoke, and its 1 person smoking the hookah with the three pipes just laying there on the table, its not making many bubles, and im getting very little smoke, its not really thick, but when we hold the shisha pipes, like clothes them off with our fingers, i get a bit more bubbles, and the smoke seems to be a bit thicker,...but when al lthree of us at the same time smoke, its really thick and good

whats up with this? i just Djed for this free hookah, def. good quality, but whast up with it? ill post pics up soon :-p
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Because it doesnt have...hmmm what am I trying to say here...it doesnt have those little ball bearrings so when other people are not smoking, you dont have a closed, air tight compartment and thus you are pulling air from their hoses and not thick, concentrated smoke...So, they have to plug their hoses for it to work...Mine is the same way...They also make these things called flip caps that attach to the tip of your hose and you can just flip it over and plug the hose and walk away...its neat
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Its a matter of making a good seal. When the hoses are all unblocked, instead of air being pulled through the bowl it comes from the open hoses. Block them all off, have someone put their finger over the hole or find some other way to plug it.
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[quote name='hookah brother up']ok thanks for the help lol but how should i make it when i have 3 people smoking the hookah, and 1 person is smoking but the other 2 pipes are just chillin the hands of some people, and they arnt plugging the holes.....what should i do then?[/quote]

Just tell them (politely at first, punch them as reminders if they forget) to place their thumbs over where they suck on on the hoses when others are inhaling.
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Yeah, if you get them into the swing, it becomes second nature to take a hit and just cover the hole with your thumb other wise... maybe take a hit at the same time depending on how big your hookah is.
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