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Hookah clubs on campus?

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There's a hookah bar at Purdue. Everything is really expensive. The atmosphere is the complete opposite of what'd you'd expect at a hookah lounge. There's loud music and TVs and crap all over hte place and no long pillows or anything, just chairs. The place is booming though, since they geared it to the demographic (I'm guessing). The main problem with this place is that it costs a butt-load. And like you said, the weekends are huge there.
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Yeah, I am the president of our hookah club here at the University of Northern Colorado. We hold regular smoke sessions once or twice a week (tho it's too cold now), and had a big SmokeFest a few weeks ago to end the hookah season here in CO.

[url="http://hookahforum.com/smokefest-2k6-greeley-colorado-t5343,highlight,smokefest.html"]SmokeFest Thread[/url]

[url="http://hookahforum.com/pics-from-greeley-co-smokefest-2k6-t5678,highlight,smokefest.html"]Picture Thread[/url]

Let me know if you have any questions.

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I don't know about other colleges, but at mine, the official campus clubs have to have a set defined purpose, I don't know if sitting around smoking counts as one. We've got a HEMP club on campus (Help End Marijuana Prohibition) which is a bunch of potheads meeting other potheads, but even they have a defined "cause" - they're educating people on the uses of hemp as a textile product or any of its other uses, really.
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