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your first time smoking nargila and more..! get in :)

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I started smoking... earlier this year. April I believe... Went to a fraternity thing on another campus... and at the brothers only after party there was booze, hookah, and another pipe not for tobacco... It was a blast! Soon after my roomie bought a MYA acryllic from Spencers... then I got the Minverva from SocialSmoke after getting opinions from this forum :D I'm 20 btw
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[b][u]IM A GIRL![/u][/b][u]

ummm you have a lot of coffee bars LOL

i think its different here in israel then over there.
i dont know why..

for example we dont use the same tobacco.. almost everyone are loyal to
because its the best.
most people here like the double apple tobacco.
i personaly like the banana. =)

we also have a very nice hebrew websit.. that have everything about hookah!
you have lesons and recepies and personal stories and movies..
those of you who can read hebrow:


i think theres an englise version of the website

try com in the end =)
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el nakhla? the best? have you ever smoked anything else or are you just saying that? nakhla i would rate on the low end of the tobacco spectrum. and yes we have el nakhla, as well as most other major tobacco brands. heck we even have some you dont like tangiers and the like.

we got that youre a girl, but why is everything underlined?
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First time was 18, but that really didnt count because the kid didn't know what he was doing and the shisha sucked. First real time was over the summer at my friends beach house, with nakhla strawberry.

Parents don't care that much, I was already smoking cigars, and those stink up the house much worse. :lol:
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I just turned 21 and so my first puff was at 18...so I've been smoking on and off for the past two years. My first hookah was at a place called Afrah pastries...i was on a date with this chick who ordered a hookah for both of us. Mind you, I never drank or smoke so it was a huge shock to see this water pipe/bong looking pipe. I'm a sucker with peer pressure especially if theres a girl involved...and I've never looked back on it.

Got my first hookah three weeks ago...and now I'm upgrading to a MYA acrylic!
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Well first time was about a month ago at 23. At my house around a fire at about 3am after closing a bar drunk as a skunk. I was hooked thou we had a mix or strawberry and melon very good stuff, not sure on the brand or what kind of hookah it was a red two hose. After that I knew I had to have one.

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