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MYA QT Giveaway!

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Hey everybody,

We're going to give away a MYA QT this week! The drawing will be held at midnight on Saturday November 11th, 2006. Unlike other contests, this hookah will ship the very next business day, the morning of Monday November 13th, 2006. There will be no cost whatsoever to the winner, shipping and everything is included.

To be entered into the contest all you need to do is place an order at EliteHookah.com by Saturday night at midnight. Any size order will qualify you for the contest.

For pictures and more information on the hookah, go to [url="http://elitehookah.com/contest.htm"] www.EliteHookah.com/contest.htm[/url].

Thanks and good luck. Feel free to contact me with any questions,
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Just a thought, I think requiring a purchase for this violates most federal and state gambling laws. That's why most sweepstakes and drawings have "no purchase required" instructions in the fine print...
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Is it open to International Customers?

I am pissed off with Hookahcompany.com. Ordered on teh 31st not even got it out the damn door yet.

So I am going to try a different us company.


[color="darkblue"]Edited because I type like a drunk retarded monkey[/color]
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I'm browsing through your site right now and determining what I want to order (its been a while since I've seen your site).

Hope I win, because my birfday is THIS MONTH!!! And a hookah won from a contest would be iceing on the cake ^_^. I will update my post to let you know what I order.

Also, is this contest for anyone who orders something, hookahforum member or not? If so, that could really kill the chances for one of us taking it home. Just curious.

[b]Edit1:[/b] Hmm, I used your link in the OP, and it took me to the contest info page. Is that a page the public can find by browsing the site? I can't seem to find it on your normal site. Sorry for asking these stupid questions, but it would be really cool if only a forum member can win this baby :)

[b]Edit2:[/b] Yay, I put my order through!

1 x King Moassel Tobacco - 250g jar () = $7.49
Flavor Pinana
1 x King Moassel Tobacco - 250g jar () = $7.49
Flavor Raspaya
1 x King Moassel Tobacco - 250g jar () = $7.49
Flavor Kiwime
Sub-Total: $22.47
Table Rate (Best Way): $8.00
Total: $30.47

I left a little note during my ordering process, so if you get a chance to read it please do. It's about your King Moassel.

Thanks again, and I'm looking forward to trying this brand! All the exotic blends sound very tasty, so everyone can expect to finally see some reviews from me in the review subforum.
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This contest has only been made public to the forum and our existing customer base. Don't worry, your odds are still very good. I'm estimating that the odds of receiving the MYA QT will probably be about 1 in 50, which is extremely good.
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Yah it is ironic that we're giving away something that we don't have for sale right now. Haha. This is the last one from the last batch that we ordered.

We do plan to carry MYA QTs again in the future. We actually planned on getting more quite some time ago. However, as some of you know our company's identity was more or less stolen about 6 weeks ago, and it threw everything off schedule for us.

One of our former suppliers thought it would be cool to "accidently" buy many dollars worth of airline tickets with our credit card number. So far, we have recovered most of those charges, and now we're getting back on track.
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Damn, i already got one XD so i wont order for now to give the others a better shot. But i will be ordering some King Moassel once i get more money :D Nice contest though, cant wait to see who wins!!
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I found it on their website:

Brand: King Moassel!

Smell/Flavor: Smells gorgeous! I did a blind smell test with two others who could not guess what the flavor was, but both commented that it had an amazing smell.

Cut: Very small pieces. Zero stems. On the wetness scale, it was not very wet at all.

Smoke: Very thick smoke with two Scalliwag coals.

Buzz: None at all. This is neither good nor bad, but a statement of fact.

Amount(approx)/Duration: The amount that EliteHookah provided to me fit exactly into my Stargate Egyptian-style bowl. I am guessing around 20 grams or so. It last close to two hours with NO harshness the entire time.


Type: Stargate.

Bowl: Standard Issue Stargate Egyptian bowl.

Foil/Screen: Aluminum Foil.

Coal/Amount: 2 Scalliwag coals.

Liquid in Base: Aqua, seniors!

Overall satisfaction (scale 1 to 10): 7 1/2-8.

The taste to this was very unique and true to the smell. However, the taste was not as powerful as what I had liked it to be. I shared this with one other person who thoroughly enjoyed it. I'll ask him what he thought of it on a one to ten basis and edit the post to add his opinion on it as well.

I've had some Raspberry Havalina shisha before and it was actually pretty medicore. The King Moassel destroys it, even as a mixed flavor, the raspberry is very prominent. The Papaya is almost like a condiment flavor to the mix.

Let me know what the rest of you think!
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And the winner is...

Nick Morse.

I don't know who this person is on the forum, or if they are on the forum. So, if it's you, feel free to identify yourself.

Everyone can also join our facebook group for more contests and news in the future at this link: http://ohio.facebook.com/group.php?gid=2216521815

Thanks and good luck to everyone next time. I'll post another hookah contest in the next couple of days.
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