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glad that evangelical got busted?

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Evangelicals are so anti-everything that is diffrent to them.Now one of theirs is busted for having gay sex HA HA HA LOL.Most evangelicals are weasels comdeming this is evil and that is evil while doing what they say is evil. He (the guy that was busted) was really outspoken condeming gay marriage he never said he supported gay sex only if you pay for it. Then when he's busted says "i didn't have gay sex" as he sneezes and a turd falls into his undies.I think this is a time for all evangelicals to stand up and say We were wrong sorry were dumbasses we will now be tolorant of others even if they are diffrent.You can still be a good person and be gay,atheist,ect.
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[quote name='critterchops']I think this is a time for all evangelicals to stand up and say We were wrong sorry were dumbasses we will now be tolorant of others even if they are diffrent.You can still be a good person and be gay,atheist,ect.[/quote]

By this logic should Catholics says "We were wrong, it is ok to molest little boys."??? The actions of one individual doesn't change the beliefs a an established religion.
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Oh man, this is big news in CO. I live a couple miles from both New Life Church and Ted's house, and I used to drive by them both every day to go to high school.
I'm not against any religions, but that place is a fucking cult. Everyone who goes there gets brainwashed. It's madness. Madness I tell you!
I think the whole story is really funny tho. Pastor in a church with 14,00 members turns out to be a gay meth head.

And everybody who goes there is just like 'Ted's position in the church just made him a bigger target for Satan.' lol.

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Satan gets blamed for everything and anything a person would normally do. People dont just change because they joined in with a religion. People always expect them to fit the mold.
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Okay, so since there's corruption in both the Democratic and Republican parties does that mean the constitution is invalid as basis of our government?

Most evangelicals aren't really all that intolerant as they are made out to be, most simply are prolife believing that the unborn child's life is sacred, and that homosexuals should have full rights as citizens, but that marriage is between a man and a woman. Whether or not you agree with these views, I think we can all agree they're reasonable views and not hateful.

Just because this guy got himself "filled" with something besides the Holy Spirit, don't hold that against the whole church. :lol:
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i went to an evangelist church..they scared me..honestly..i was offended by it.

oh yeah..wouldnt want to forget about this part. They talked about the youth group camp thing..then they said, the group was so overcome by the holy spirit that they all started falling down and speaking in tongues...(i was thinking...nerve gas thrugh the vents isnt the holy spirit guys, sorry) honestly..if i wouldnt let my kid go to thhe camp again...

oh yeah..and the church has my number because i was at the church with these really religious people my dad works with and i didnt want to seem rude...they call me all the time, it sucks...
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Hmmm, I just remember that the evangelicals got all shook up over Clinton getting a blowjob but they are SO willing to give this guy "forgiveness". Go to just about any "pastor" and ask them what they think of Clinton and watch their face because odds are just for a moment at least you will see hate come up in their eyes and then they put on the show.
It is not the true Christians or other religious people I have a problem with. I just think that too many evil POS's hide behind a religion or use it in opportunistic ways to take advantage of others.
So it's not religious people that are the problem, it is the hypocrites. So do a religious person a favor and take out the next hypocrite that makes them look bad :)

I remember when Robert Tilton's dumpster behind his church was dug into by a news reporter in Dallas and they found stacks of letters where people sent in donations. The letters were opened just enough to slide the check out. They read some of the letters. One was from the parents of a terminally ill 4 year old girl. They gave no telling how much money to have this prick pray for them. People in that situation are not rational.
There is not anything horrible that could happen to people like Tilton that would bother me a bit. Odds are damn good he deserved worse.
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[quote name='critterchops']Evangelicals are so anti-everything that is diffrent to them.Now one of theirs is busted for having gay sex HA HA HA LOL.Most evangelicals are weasels comdeming this is evil and that is evil while doing what they say is evil. He (the guy that was busted) was really outspoken condeming gay marriage he never said he supported gay sex only if you pay for it. Then when he's busted says "i didn't have gay sex" as he sneezes and a turd falls into his undies.I think this is a time for all evangelicals to stand up and say We were wrong sorry were dumbasses we will now be tolorant of others even if they are diffrent.You can still be a good person and be gay,atheist,ect.[/quote]

Why would you possibly be GLAD that someone has been humiliated publically, had their career destroyed and will have a hard time coming to terms with their family?
Because you believe he deserves to be humiliated because of the angry and divisive things he said?

I for one don't wish this sort of fury on anyone, regardless of what a bastard he/she may be.
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That should get you started....
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[quote name='jonny_lech'][quote name='critterchops']Evangelicals are so anti-everything that is diffrent to them.Now one of theirs is busted for having gay sex HA HA HA LOL.Most evangelicals are weasels comdeming this is evil and that is evil while doing what they say is evil. He (the guy that was busted) was really outspoken condeming gay marriage he never said he supported gay sex only if you pay for it. Then when he's busted says "i didn't have gay sex" as he sneezes and a turd falls into his undies.I think this is a time for all evangelicals to stand up and say We were wrong sorry were dumbasses we will now be tolorant of others even if they are diffrent.You can still be a good person and be gay,atheist,ect.[/quote]

Why would you possibly be GLAD that someone has been humiliated publically, had their career destroyed and will have a hard time coming to terms with their family?
Because you believe he deserves to be humiliated because of the angry and divisive things he said?

I for one don't wish this sort of fury on anyone, regardless of what a bastard he/she may be.[/quote]

I don't wish bad things on him for his actions, I have sympathy. I have anger because of what he SAID, combined with what he did. If hes gay, thats cool with me, but he doesn't need to make life hell for everyone else in the gay community by preaching his message of hate and bigotry because of his self-loathing. He is only going to make more young kids go through the same denial and self-hate he must have gone through, and I find it hard to forgive him for this.
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[quote name='Joseph']I don't wish bad things on him for his actions, I have sympathy.  I have anger because of what he SAID, combined with what he did.  If hes gay, thats cool with me, but he doesn't need to make life hell for everyone else in the gay community by preaching his message of hate and bigotry because of his self-loathing.  He is only going to make more young kids go through the same denial and self-hate he must have gone through, and I find it hard to forgive him for this.[/quote]

Well, foremost, I'm a Jungist. And one thing Jung says is that anytime anyone seems to be psychotically against something, it's because they're secretly repressing it.

One thing that agitates me is when people really love to see a hypocrit get it good. No doubt that hypocritical behavior is bad for society in general, but I find it oddly humorous that the casting party never considers that they themselves may be hypocrits in some other fashion.

I think that it's in fact hypocritical to wish this man ill because of what he says. If you despise him simply because he's hypocritical, that's a slightly different matter, but consider the following.

He despises certain kinds of behavior, and speaks against them and wishes ill to them because his value system says that what they do is bad.

You wish him ill because your value system says his what he is doing is bad.

These are two sides of the same coin! It's self-righteous to simply declare his value system to be inferior and horrible and to just wish them riddance because you think they are disease, because that is EXACTLY what they are saying about gays. Irony, anyone?

I'm not defending what this man has said. I'm simply cautioning that intolerance in the name of tolerance is itself a pernicious hypocracy.
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Ah well, being a hypocrite in some instances doesn't bother me too much, though I try to keep it to a minimum. For instance, I wouldn't suggest to someone tht they start smoking hookah, but I smoke it myself. That's pretty damn hypocritcal if you ask me.

As far as when you uppity up holy roller gets caught with his pants down...I think thats great. Shows him and the rest of his kind for the screaming hypocrits they are. but its ok, because as long as its someone imprtant, he'll be educated and forgiven. The rest of us, on the other hand, are screwed... :wink:

Having been the target of this type of evangelical christian, I have NO sympathy.

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tolerance is something that some people do not deserve and you give to your own demise. Somebody comes at you with a knife with every intention to kill you, you get the knife from them and all the suddent they have a change of heart.
I know enough to know that the person would not have the change of heart if they were not suddenly about to become in the state they set out to put you in (i.e.- they were gonna kill ya dumbass!!!)
Don't give them the chance to come back. They write their sentence when they make the bad call. Besides, it's process of elimination.

Same with this POS that spent how many years being a hypocrite. When did he decide to come clean? When did Foley decide" Swaggart decide? Their timing is pretty damn convenient. It would be different if they outed themselves.
Not only that but evangelicals like Falwell are all for the death penalty as am I. If they can choose the fate of a sinner I am more than happy to help choose their fate should they "fall from grace".
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Ironically, Foley introduced legislation to protect minors from 'online predators'.

Anyway, do you not believe that people have the right to decry what they do not like? Who decides what's ok to denounce and not denounce? Or only when they happen to be on the popular or 'forward thinking' side? What will you do when you find yourself on the other side? Who here has never been among the minority opinion? Is the majority always right?

I see the laws that are passed in Europe to outlaw the religious denouncing of things like homosexuality and despite the fact that "I don't care who does what to your hershey highway", I can only think that this is dangerously close to thought-crime.
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He has freedom of speech of course, as does the KKK. I would never try to take that freedom from him. But I can say that it is hate speech, and they are spreading bigotry and hate. To quote Voltair, "I may disagree with everything you say, but I will fight to the death for your right to say it." What he says is the same as what the KKK says, he can say it, but it is wrong to spread hate.
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I see your point Jonny. After all I have been in the minority watching the constitution get shredded and not supposed to question it. And like I said there are those that should receive some mercy. Have you ever seen a pet rattlesnake? Probably not. The best you can do is defang them and then scare the shit out of your friends making them think you just got bit... that's another story :)
They can "decry" all they want but when they trample the constitution I say cut off their heads and be done with that shit. fangs grow back.
Thought crimes have been abundant for a long time here in the U.S. Being a communist for example is not illegal, but in the 50's they had witchhunts and made it a crime. Hey, it was popular and got votes. Although I don't support communists it is not illegal to be one just like an atheist, or pacifist, or even dickless. So why was it in the 1950's when Ike (republican) was Prez and the Repubs held both the house and the senate remind you of oh..... maybe yesterday? a whole lot of things that were not illegal such as not agreeing with a president seemed to chap a whole lot of ass yet the majority made those of us out to be unpatriotic was fair game so I have NO mercy on any of the former persecutors. McCarthy was always an evil prick, it just took some a while to get up to speed at the cost of a lot of others that in many cases were not even communists.

Just because the majority of Americans just got around to buying a clue and realizing they were duped does not mean a lot of us did not see this coming a long time ago. And there should be hell to pay for those that manipulated those that had other things to do other than pay attention.
Santayana said "those that forget history are condemned to repeat it" and we repeated the McCarthy era through a lot of people that had to relive it because they were clueless. Some reading this have no clue who the hell Joseph McCarthy is or that he was impeached from the senate in 1955 and died in 1957 because he was a freakin drunk. But for years he ran amuck labelling people as communist when that was as popular as being labelled a child molester.

History teaches me to have mercy on some and none on others. And the party of Joe McCarthy should receive exactly no mercy.
We have to regain ground lost by a "go it alone" administration that used scare tactics to strongarm candyass dems into supporting their agenda. Now hopefully the world will see that we indeed do have the best form of government in that we can get back on the right track and not have to wait out the death of a Castro to do so.
I am a very compassionate person (obviously passionate! ;) ) but even though I am a Texas hick I do my own studying and rationalize with no regard to what my family or friends believe. It may not be popular but guess what? GW was never popular in my book so how many others had to change their thinking to come to the same conclusion I have had all along?

Being ignorant is never a reason, just a lazy excuse that when in numbers can be dangerous.
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Its a good point, really. Who are the flaming-est guys around? The anti-gays. By that token, that would make the Catholic Church the biggest haven for murders, blasphemers, rapists, adulters and child-molesters anywhere. Well, two out of five ain't bad. The fuckin' right-wing christians (the largest line-contributor to George W. Bush's campaign) are climbing over each other because old Bill got a hummer from a tramp who likes to toss her ass around married men. The evangelist/right-wing christians would dry up if they followed the teachings of god in the bible, starting with 'Those who live in glass houses...'
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[quote name='Scalliwag']They can "decry" all they want but when they trample the constitution I say cut off their heads and be done with that shit.  [/quote]

How was this guy trampling on the Constitution? Because he supports anti-gay marriage amendments? Dispicable as it may be, I don't think there's any basis to say it's unconstitutional.

[quote]a whole lot of things that were not illegal such as not agreeing with a president seemed to chap a whole lot of ass yet the majority made those of us out to be unpatriotic was fair game so I have NO mercy on any of the former persecutors.  [/quote]Which in turn just makes them vindictive against you, when they don't all disappear from the face of the earth. An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind.

[quote]Santayana said "those that forget history are condemned to repeat it" and we repeated the McCarthy era through a lot of people that had to relive it because they were clueless.  [/quote]

Are you referring to Gitmo?

[quote]History teaches me to have mercy on some and none on others. And the party of Joe McCarthy should receive exactly no mercy.  [/quote]

Be careful about going back to party history of the 50s. Democrats had quite a few things to not be proud of back then too. In fact, just about no one back then was enviable, on either side! But that's also ancient history, and should the sins of the father carry on to the son?

If we only showed compassion to those who deserve it, we would all be screwed...
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Republican Party...don't forget the party who opposed integration and ending "separate facilities" for African Americans...don't say its ancient history, either. Strom Thurmond, loyal republican, didn't retire more than six years ago or so and he was segregationist and separatist.
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Its a sad thing really....... the way people that organize themselves for a cause that would outwardely seem noble or pure can warp things to protect themselves from their own set of values.

Im a steadfast Christian myself.... but I dont fly any "flags" anymore as to what flavor I am. My views are different and not as judgemental of others choices.

It bothers me to see a group of people that jade themselves so much as to belittle and criticize others for not believing exactly as they do. I find it rather "unChristian".

I live in the East Texas Baptist Belt..... and Im afraid I have grown to resent them slighty due to the repeated demonstrations of "elitist" attitude. Talk of Love, Mercy and Grace and all that seem to apply to them only..... and when you say something about your personal belief that differs.... they seem to like pulling the "hell" card on you and how thats where you are going to go if you dont recant that blasphemy you were talking about. (Thats when I tell them how I dont believe in everlasting hell and torment). I even had one lady tell me that I was going to find out different. Sad..... its as if they relish the idea of you being tormented for eterity.

There is verse in the Bible that basically says that you will be judged by your own standards. Perhaps its been forgotten.... or at least used sparingly.....

heheh. the Devil didnt unzip his pants for him. Not the first Bigtime preacher to get caught with his pants down.
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[quote name='Sonthert']Republican Party...don't forget the party who opposed integration and ending "separate facilities" for African Americans...don't say its ancient history, either. Strom Thurmond, loyal republican, didn't retire more than six years ago or so and he was segregationist and separatist.[/quote]

Yea, but what you're leaving out is that he was a DEMOCRAT when he fillibustered the Civil Rights Act.

What bothers me is that because Bush is raising such a stink, is that people will get the idea that Democrat shit doesn't.

But what can I say? I live here in DC and believe me, they are ALL crooks and bigots.
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