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Help me enjoy the hookah

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so a friend of mine owns a hookah, we smoke it occasionally, not all that often, but it always seems to very inconsistent. About two weeks ago, we had a good sesh, lots of flavour, a few beers and playing some guitar. We tried it again a few days ago, and well...it was no good. We got about 2 puffs each before the flavour was lost and it was like inhaling a mouthful of ash. We're sort of new to this whole thing, but it has been like that since he got it, good one time, terrible the next

So I guess what I'm asking is, what are we doing wrong? what should I do to make it better?

Also, being new here, I'm not exactly sure about whether you've got another thread for these types of questions etc. But I'll learn I guess
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Can't tell you what you are doing wrong, until you tell us what you are doing...

What type of hookah are you using, type of coals, type of tobacco, how do you guys pack the bowl, how do you guys manage heat, foil or screen, if foil whats your hole pattern like?

As you can see, there are quite a few factors which can yield you a crappy, inconsistant session. We're going to need some more info if we are to attemp to help you out. Also, welcome to the forum! We'll hopefully get this pin pointed for you asap, and you'll be enjoying your pipe like never before ;)

Edit: Upon re-reading your OP, a mouth full of ash? Is your hose washable? If not, this could be your problem. Non-washable hoses will rust/ruin your session if water gets inside of them. Washable hoses are lined with a stainless steel or plastic coil, which wont rust and give you a crappy taste. Even if you guys have never washed your non-washable hose out, water can still make it inside of their. Perhaps your water level is a tad to high, and it bubbles up getting a little bit of water in there. Water level should be no more than 1/2" - 1" above the bottom of the stem. Anymore than that and you risk the water getting into the hose.

Also, very doubtful you're getting ash in your mouth. Ash wouldn't be able to travel from the top of your bowl, down through the stem, into the water, back up through the water, into your hose port and get into your mouth. Like I mentioned above, your hose might not be washable, so its rotting from the inside. This will cause a bad buildup of black particles/crap, which in time can travel and make it into your mouth.
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ok. by a moutful of ash, I didn't mean it literally, it just tastes really bad.

For the type of hookah I am using, I really couldn't say, as it's not mine, so I took some photos.


and for the water level. The darker part is where the water is filled to


and the coals?


We are also using Al-Fakher Double Apple and Mixed Fruit Cocktail. As for packing, I sent a message to my friend to find out. In his words, "I just do a full cone, but dont pack it too hard." Also, we're not too sure, but he thinks the hose is washable. For heat, we cover it with aluminium foil, and use a pin to poke some holes, in completely random fashion

I just found another picture of the bowl, which might help. It's a phone picture so the quality isn't great

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Hi timbob, And welcome to the Forum :)

Just taking a cursory glance at the photos, Everything looks to be setup pritty much ok :D

I've never seen these coals however - Might be worth waiting for 'benny or persianpride' as they are fellow
Australianites and might have experience of this coal!

Foil is normally the best kind of cover and yours looks ok - If I may add you might want to make
the foil as tight as possible over the tobacco.

Tobacco - try not to pack it to hard, Take some in your fingers and flake into the bowl (Unless it's tangiers)
Try not to allow the tobacco to touch the foil. It would also be handy to know what tobacco you are using.

Holes - In my opinion I go for LOTS of tiny holes. I use a sewing needle and prick the hell out of the tight foil.
This should stop any big ash particles making it to the tobacco.

Also remember to make sure you throughly clean the entire unit out (Apart from hoses as mentioned by yashman19)

Good Luck

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[quote name='Johnny_D']Hi timbob, And welcome to the Forum :)

Also remember to make sure you throughly clean the entire unit out (Apart from hoses as mentioned by yashman19)

Good Luck



We also thought that might be a part of the problem. How exactly would you clean that out? all we did was pour boiling water down there and used a pipe-cleaner. Didn't do much

Also, I mentioned the type of tobacco we were using. Al-Fahker Double apples and Mixed fruit cocktail
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Ahh, Sorry Timbob - I missed your comment about Al-Fahker Double Apple.

Basically it sounds like you clean it ok. That's pritty much how it's cleaned. Some folks advocate the use of
lemon juice. Which works a treat.

How do you pack the bowl with the tobacco? How old is the tobacco? How moist is it? (Some can dry up badly and smoke like nasties)

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packing the bowl: Problem here is, I don't do that, I usually get the coals going while my mate packs the tobacco. He says he doesn't pack it in that tight, but I've never actually seen him do it. The tobacco was bought in July I think, and it still feels moist so I don't think that's a problem
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When you say "A mouthful of Ash" are you referring to particles coming through the hose? That would be rust from getting the hose wet or washing it.

It sounds like you have to pick one person to pack the bowl and leave it at that. Everybody packs bowls differently. The guy may be putting less in than you do, so the same amount of charcoal scorches less tobacco.
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You are probably using too much heat. by the size of those coals on that bowl thats what it looks like.

If you are hurrying to get your hookah started and using a lot of heat in the process after the first couple of hits, you will start to burn the tobacco... this will create a burnt flavor.

I recommend starting with one coal place near the side, moving it in till you get a decent smoke as that burns down, add the second coal to the other side.

If you are in too much of a hurry start with 2 coals. Get it started and move one off, put the first in the center until you can add the second coal.

If there is too much heat, take both coals of wait about a minute, let the tobacco cool down and replace the coals in a different location. If you can clear the old smoke out before continueing.

If the coals get too close together while they are generating heat the overlapping heat will burn the center, try to keep them spaced apart untill the burn down.

You can try using a wind cover, which will give a more consistant heat, as it gets trapped inside the windcover, you will use less coals as well. It all takes some getting used to.
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Wow....those coals look HUGE....Or maybe thats just the picture. I agree, I think your cooking the hell out of that tobacco. I know Layalina is really picky like that, where just a little too much heat and suddenly it tastes like smoke mixed with vomit, Lol.
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