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someone asked in a thread for tangiers instructions so ill give you what works for me. i know there have been a ton of these but hey whats one more right?

Sanguine’s tangiers guide.

1. Fluff up the tobacco since it will arrive fairly packed down. I suggest acclimating for a couple hours. Its debatable whether it does much, but it cant hurt so why not?

2. After acclimation fluff the tobacco again and using your fingers (tongs tend to compact it again) pick some up and place it loosely in a decent sized bowl (at least a large Egyptian) put enough in so that the bowl is barely overflowing. Put on a piece of foil and using your palm lightly press down on the top creating a slight indentation. Poke holes (I think just about any pattern works just so long as there’s enough for really good airflow)

3. Coal-wise. Break your coals into smaller pieces than you usually use. With tangiers you don’t need a lot of heat but you need heat spread around the bowl. People who don’t get thick smoke usually are putting one coal in one spot. Keep the coals spaced evenly around the bowl to evenly heat the whole head. Tangiers is strong so if you’re getting all your smoke from one spot its burning too hot. When I use 40mm 3kings I break them into quarters. 4 quarters to start the bowl (first 5 minutes) and it will be kinda rough unless you’re used to the stronger tobacco of tangiers. Then once its really going decrease to 3 quarters. The same works for natural coals. Just don’t put a whole piece of natural down anywhere. Too much heat.

4. I rotate the coals about every 30 minutes. don’t be afraid to rotate back onto space you’ve already been. Tangiers lasts forever as long as you don’t put too much heat to it.

5. Enjoy and be patient. If you do all this I don’t know how you couldn’t get a good smoke out of it. Lots of people have tricks or whatnot but I don’t believe in any of those. Its all in heat management.

Some people complain of a sort of scratchiness in the throat. I attribute this as much to the heavy tobacco and nicotine as anything else. Usually the tobacco mellows after a few mins of smoking. I find its mainly when you’re getting the bowl going. For me getting the bowl nice and hot with more coal than you want to smoke with is a little unpleasant for about 5 mins but tends to ensure a really good session (which usually lasts longer than I can) I have yet to cash a bowl of tangiers. The stuff is freakish in how little heat it needs and how long it goes.
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i got the packin pretty much down i think. but the heat management is what kills me. on a standard bowl i use 2 japanese coals. on a tangiers bowl large regular bowl i use 3. i tried breakin em up in half and still get the same result :(. i thought about maybe just breakin one up but if i do that the heat wont be evenly spread due to the non broken coal producing more heat. hmmm. i have some 33mm 3kings i could try usin but i hate 3kings. SS, ever try this method with japanese coals? some more expirmenting is at hand!
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Ironically, I do things slightly differently. Still, whatever works...

Pimpito...I use three to four coals on Tangiers heads...its the amount of tobacco in the head, perhaps...is the smoke thin and harsh? If so, try more tobacco...be heartened...I will be soujourning to Nor Cal very, very soon...we can meet and smoke.
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[quote name='Sonthert']Ironically, I do things slightly differently. Still, whatever works...

Pimpito...I use three to four coals on Tangiers heads...its the amount of tobacco in the head, perhaps...is the smoke thin and harsh? If so, try more tobacco...be heartened...I will be soujourning to Nor Cal very, very soon...we can meet and smoke.[/quote]

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QUOTE (Luke69)
so is the foil supposed to be touching the shihsa?
NNNOOOO. that is bad and the shisha will burn


It's perfectly fine for the foil to touch the tobacco and many people do it.
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QUOTE (DizzyGuy)
QUOTE (Luke69)
so is the foil supposed to be touching the shihsa?
NNNOOOO. that is bad and the shisha will burn


It's perfectly fine for the foil to touch the tobacco and many people do it.
eh fuck tht. the tobacco usually burns unless you move the coals every 3-5 hits. Id rather leave some room so it just steams the tobacco.. it last longer. Every hookah bar tht has put the tobacco up to the foil just pisses me off. Especially places that dont let you use tongs because then you cant move the coals and shit just gets bad
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well since asusean isnt taking normal hits but instead is trying to get the biggest hits ever. he is in fact burning the tobacco faster than its meant to be and so naturally his bowls cash out super quickly. and indeed i agree with dizzy. you shouldnt be moving the coal any sooner than every half hour unless it gets harsh due to too much heat.
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